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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Depending upon what software title and version you have you might be able to "Lock" a layer including "Walls Normal" and others by opening "Display Options" while in a plan view and checking "Lock" in the column found there for any named object layer. Thereafter such locked layers cannot, while so locked be selected or deleted. That is the only method I know of locking objects in place. New users ask about this but as you become more experienced it becomes less of an issue. I often temporarily lock layers to make other tasks easier but not just to "protect" walls. DJP
  2. And perhaps this one done in Pro: DJP
  3. I think no one has chimed in because you already know about the main sources of symbols we all use: Home Designer website and 3D Warehouse. You might communicate with these persons who make symbols for Chief Premier users for sale: https://phdds3dclub.wildapricot.org/3d-models-updates http://www.chiefsymbols.com/ https://www.chieftutor.net/ https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00640/locating-3d-symbols-to-import-into-chief-architect.html There are others that can be found on the web via searchs DJP
  4. Answer Eric's suggestion, above, I was making a generalized guess. Once I KNOW what software you actually have, I and others can then be a little more helpful, helping you. DJP
  5. What you need is what I do as part of my business model. Please visit my website for more information. DJP
  6. Exterior wall default is set in "Edit - Default Settings - Wall - Exterior Wall". It material can be set via it Wall specification Dialog-Define Wall Type Dialog and also in "Edit - Default Settings - Materials - Exterior Wall", take a look please. DJP
  7. I looked in my copy of Suite 2019 and could not find "Electrical Defaults" either. I am just guessing that Suite does not have "Electrical Defaults" like Home Designer Pro and Premier does. It may be that you were reading something intended for Pro and not for Suite. I do know what you are speaking of in terms of legacy plans symbols. What you can do is to open the dialog box of an electrical object and if you do not see an image of the object in its own dialog, you can then be sure it is one of the objects the software is complaining of. Then delete the offending object and replace it with one from your "Library Browser". Having to check each electrical object may be tedious but that method will work to eliminate the error message, once you have found them all. DJP
  8. It took me a full year to learn how to use this software, years ago. I was supporting a family of five while doing so. Software, any software is merely a mechanical device, not a friend and not a Dutch Uncle, just a mechanical device. You supply the knowledge to guide it to acceptable results through lots of study and practice. It has a built-in Reference Manual, Help files, links to introductory videos to help you get started but it is you and only you who is responsible for any results, good or bad. If you want to get good results, put in the study and practice time to learn how to guide it to acceptable results. If you cannot develop the self-discipline to do so request a refund within the trial period. DJP
  9. Display Options just visually turns off framing and other objects, it does NOT delete it, Once roofs and the design are just right only then order framing to be built. The auto Framing just follows how you create the walls, ceilings and roof planes, so I always leave that till last. DJP
  10. Number one: What software are you using: Version and Title name (Essentials, Interiors, Architectural, or Pro?) Number two: what is the pitch of the roofs of your actual house (not the virtual one in the plan file) Number three: do you have any photos of the existing house or a postal address so others can look at the actual house to be sure what it looks like? Number four: what framing, where, please? Framing like all visible objects in this software are on alphabetically named layers in "Display Options" and so can be turned on or off at will. DJP
  11. Number one: What software are you using: Version and Title name (Essentials, Interiors, Architectural, or Pro?) Number two: what is the pitch of the roofs of your actual house (not the virtual one in the plan file) Number three: do you have any photos of the existing house or a postal address so others can look at the actual house to be sure what it looks like? DJP
  12. Vector view camera views are composed only of lines and color fills. Walls are defined in 3D views by Wall-poly-lines. You can see this when a wall is selected in a camera view (Like in Eric's image above, is a perfect example). So it is quite "normal" for vector views to show the edge lines of individual wall poly lines especially in vector views and other line-based camera views. One can reduce such lines by minimizing manual edits of wall polylines which is sometimes necessary to straighten out elevation views. There is no "rule" for this, you just have to develop judgment as to what works and what makes things worse. I am spoiled by Chief Architect Premier due to the presence of a tool to select and delete such unwanted lines. One can also draw in missing lines with this tool, it is one of the many perks one obtains when upgrading to Premier. When you find a manually edited wall polyline it will show up on the "Structure Tab" of the "Wall Specification dialog box - Structure Tab-Default "Wall Heights" checkboxes, if you see one of these unchecked, place a check there and see if that lessens the presence of unwanted lines. Manual wall editing of wall polylines is "permanent" until or unless you then undo the manual edit using the method above addressing the Structure Tab- Wall Heights checkboxes. DJP
  13. In Home Designer there are no preprogrammed "Window and Door Schedules" like in Chief Premier, so to create one, you do so manually using "Text" and so forth. DJP
  14. In order for your .skp symbol to show properly, you will have to make a hole in the deck which surrounds the pool object and also cut a hole in the terrain (if you have created a terrain Plane). Since I cannot see your plan file, that is my advice for now. DJP
  15. Fix what, exactly? The animated water (or lack thereof) or something else, please? DJP
  16. Your posted image says "Client Viewer" which is for viewing plan files created in Chief Architect Premier only. It is not capable of creating a thing, only viewing what others have created in Chief Architect Premier. If you, in fact, have Home Designer Pro 2016, it does have the ability to create up to three, above ground, story buildings and structures. Why does your posted image say "Client Viewer"? How to create a new floor is covered in detail, in your "Reference Manual" and "Users Guide" that can be found under the "Help" menu in Home Designer Pro 2016 when the software is open and running. Are you using a "Client Viewer" or are you, in fact, using Home Designer Pro 2016, please? DJP
  17. You can set any line style that Pro offers by way of "Display Options" dialog while in plan view. I do not remember how many line styles are available but you can certainly look and see for yourself. Your "Reference Manual" that can be found under the "Help" Menu contains information about all the tools and extant variations available for any tool in Home Designer Pro, it is over 2,000 pages long but it is also "Searchable" by topic and tool. DJP