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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. This is what I saw. DJP
  2. I found this on the Sketch Up site (3D Warehouse), then imported it into Chief Architect Premier X9 (I hope this is old enough to be compatible with your software version, we will see). The results are attached Deck Block.calibz
  3. Home Designer software is similar but also completely different in terms of what it is designed to do. This forum, as Eric said is only for Home Designer Software users. What you are asking about is fully explained in detail in your "Reference Manual" found under the "Help" menu in Chief Architect Premier software, take a look! DJP
  4. please share a copy of your ".plan" file so others can look, see and then report back to you please. DJP
  5. DavidJPotter


    I found several such symbols searching at 3D Warehouse that can be downloaded into Home Designer Architectural 2020, take a look. DJP
  6. DavidJPotter


    What software do you have (title & Version)? Where have you looked so far? Here? https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/search/?q=central vacuum Commonly you merely show the central vacuum (Usually in the garage) unit and then outlets in each room. This is easily done just using text as opposed to 3D symbols in terms of plans. DJP
  7. One ".layout" file per printed page is true for Home Designer Pro. Not true for Chief Architect Premier and Interiors: one layout file can hold up to 1,000 laid out pages for printing. You get what you pay for. DJP
  8. Your software is "Active" on your crashed hard drive. You must call Customer Service at Chief Architect Inc, Monday through Friday, Pacific Time office hours for the assistance you need. Any corroborating evidence you can provide them will help them help you (serial number, a sales receipt, etc). DJP
  9. an additional choice or choices: DJP
  10. Your edited file is attached DJP 13 Hyde (Remodel 2).zip
  11. I have installed on my Windows 10 PC older versions back to Chief Architect Version X1 (the current version is X11), so it should install just fine provided you have your original install CD or CAB files and SSN. DJP
  12. If your edge to edge spacing actually is 5" that is done automatically. I wonder what you are doing that is unnecessary that is keeping this from happening? DJP
  13. https://youtu.be/gW-QBHylQ5A DJP
  14. A fundamental thing to learn is "File Management": When you save a file, pay attention to exactly what its name is and where exactly on your hard drive it is saved. This is something you do and not the software. I recommend that you create an empty folder in "My Documents" called "My Plans" for saving your Home Designer ".plan" files. That is the only way you can count on so you know where your work is and how to find it again. DJP
  15. Whatever you named your saved-as .plan file, search for that name using "Windows Search" of My Documents. If you lost it, you lost it but it is most likely there, just now where you thought it was. DJP
  16. Here you are, best of success! DJP House.plan After reject.plan7 LH Stairs converted.plan
  17. The only currently extant version of Chief Architect that allows one to open and save earlier versions of Chief and Home Designer ".plan" files for use is currently Chief Architect Version X8 Trial Version which can be requested and downloaded from the Chief Architect website. This is a possible option depending upon what version of Home Designer Interiors you have. Chief and Home Designer ".plan" files Must Match in version number or year to be freely opened and edited in Home Designer software: HD 2020 is compatible ONLY with Chief Architect X11 HD 2019 is compatible ONLY with Chief Architect X10 HD 2018 is compatible ONLY with Chief Architect X9 HD 2017 is compatible ONLY with Chief Architect X8 and so on. I have Chief Architect Premier versions back to old version 7 (2000 AD) and can probably help you convert the old chief file for use in Home Designer but I must know what version you have to make sure I can convert the Chief file to the proper version of Home Designer Interiors that you have. DJP
  18. DavidJPotter

    Double Gable

    I obviously misunderstood your desire (I thought that is what you were getting and not what you wanted). I now think that you should not pursue what you want because it is a bad design that ensures future roof leaking between the two gables (that is called in Architecture: "A dead Valley", the space between gable peaks. In order to do that kind of design properly, you will have to upgrade to Home Designer Pro that provides the manual roof tools (not just settings and auto-roof building), so a roof saddle or cricket can be constructed, manually between the gable ridges and thus eliminate the dead valley with a roof saddle or cricket. DJP
  19. Go here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/library&search=&x=0&y=0&x=true&soft_family_2=2&hid_soft_family_2=2& and then look for and download/install the 'Cultured Stone and other stone libraries, just make sure that the ones you download are vetted for your particular software. DJP
  20. DavidJPotter

    Double Gable

    Without seeing exactly what you need and want, it is anyone's guess. Post a copy of your plan file and perhaps a simple sketch of the double gables, then maybe. DJP
  21. How to build a Media Room Building a Stage Platform DJP