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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. In order to do as you wish,you would need to upgrade to Chief Architect Premier where you can place any object on any existent layer or even create custom layers named as you see fit and any object of text on such layers along with many other awesome features and abilities. DJP
  2. In terms of Home Designer, I would suggest downloading and learning Sketch Up to make the ceiling applique to then download and use as a custom symbol in Home Designer. The same thing can be done within Chief Premier using available tools, once learned. DJP
  3. I opened your plan (thanks for sharing it), in Chief Architect X12 and got the same error message. I tried several things to find the source or just make it stop and was unsuccessful in those efforts. You can: 1. Start over with a new plan, in terms of the error message I consider your plan file corrupt (this often happens while learning the software and too much guessing is done or in this case, you did something the creators did not forsee anyone doing). 2. Or when you next see the "Dormer error message" place a checkmark in that error message dialog to "Do not show this message again during this session". Then you should not see the message again until you reopen the plan for another session. 3. Send a copy to Chief Architect Tech Support so they can find out exactly what you did to cause this problem and communicate any possible solution back to you. DJP
  4. I believe the problem is that the Intel Graphics support you have is insufficient to support Home Designer or Chief Architect software performance. Intel products are built into one's Mother Board and is not, per se a "Video Card" with its own dedicated Video RAM. A quick look at the "Minimum Requirements" for Home Designer software support clearly states that video support by Intel is insufficient, sorry. That IS the problem you are having. DJP
  5. I downloaded your plan, opened it on my Windows 10 PC (specs below) and it shows perfectly fine in plan view, full camera view, dollhouse view, overview camera and framing overview camera. Therefore I have to assume it is your PC, video card or hardware that is at fault, sorry. DJP
  6. I recommend that you create the CAD detail in a plan view, named CAD Detail or similar and draw your CAD Details in that plan. From there they can easily be sent to a Layout file page for laying out for printing and you can reuse them for future projects. DJP
  7. Yes, it is called CAD drafting work There is no trick or tip involved, such things can be downloaded from the WWW and then edited but I usually just create them from scratch using 2D CAD tools and Text, it is what draftspersons do for a living. DJP
  8. It looks like to me that the detail is an image or PDF as opposed to a CAD detail created of 2D lines, arcs and text. Images, PDFs are pixel-based and thus tend to blur or pixelate whereas 2D CAD lines and Text do not. DJP
  9. From the image, I am not sure as to what I am seeing. It appears to be an unusually dark "Snap Grid" which can be turned on or off using the provided tool icon or under the "View Menu - Snap Grid" but that is still just a guess. The image is better than the .dxf but still kind of pixelated and hard to see. I have been using this software for about 25 years and I cannot remember ever seeing anything like what you have. It may be a wrong setting. It may be a problem with your video card and how it displays (does it meet the "Minimum Requirements" to run Home Designer Pro?) The image seems to show an attempt to print from a plan view (I clearly see the "Show Sheet" tool turned on but the plan view is not centered ("File - Print - Center Sheet") should center the view for plan view printing. If you could share a copy of your plan file, others could then see how the file preforms on their PC or Mac and that information might be helpful to you. That is about it for now. DJP
  10. Welcome to the forum For anyone to help you they first need to know what software you are using, its name and version. Secondly, I looked at your posted ".dfx" file and it basically communicated nothing to me (I have been using Chief Architect and Home Designer software for about 25 years and I have never seen anything like what you posted, much less have an opinion of how you produced it). What camera type was used to create the ".dfx" file please? Posting screen capture images of what you are seeing is a better communication vehicle than a ".dxf". Even better is to share a copy of your problem plan file, so others can see what you see and also be able to inspect the settings. DJP
  11. What software are you using? What computer operating system are you using? Where did you have them installed before? (in other words, what changed exactly?) What did you do to cause this unwanted outcome? When installing new Home Designer or Chief Architect software, the install routine is programmed if you want to migrate library object, settings and templates. You must have dropped the ball when installing your new software or you installed it on a new computer where the old missing files were not already present. I just installed a new version of Chief Premier and a dialog box offered check boxes for Core, Bonus, and user library content as well as custom toolbars, templates et al. DJP
  12. Space Bar does nothing for current points, the delete key does DJP
  13. With NOTHING selected, just depress the "Delete" key and each press will remove current points, under the "CAD" menu there is a tool icon called "Delete Points" as well which will delete them all in one click. DJP
  14. Open your "Build Roof Dialog" and then open the "Roof Types" tab to gain how to preset to create basic roof types "automatically" or as Eric suggested just learn how to use the Manual Roof creating and Editing tools available. DJP
  15. You need to make sure that "Auto Build Framing is turned OFF", otherwise your work will be "automatically" undone each time you "do" it. Save the "Camera View" and when ready, send to a layout file. DJP
  16. There are "Wedges" that are flat (at 0 degrees at the base), take a look please. DJP
  17. Actually it is not, basically a "work-around" other than you are working around the pre-programming that is built into walls and other objects. Most of the time, such built in programming works positively but if you want a specific result other than what is usual, then additional steps are then necessary. DJP
  18. That is an ability found only in Chief Premier. I suggest you connect the pipes at 90-degree angles for now DJP
  19. DavidJPotter

    vaulted roof

    There are several ways to cause what your image shows: 1. when you manually edit or alter a wall polyline, that edit remains until you recheck "Default Wall Bottom or Top" in the walls dialog box 2. you may have manually drawn the offending wall and then not programmed it to be an "Attic Wall, No Locate & No Room Define" which would allow it to stick through the roof Posting a copy of your problem plan can allow one to know exactly what is happening. DJP
  20. I use Carbonite as a back up service. One Drive is basically a cloud based web storage which I use mainly to transfer files too large to send by email (above 20 Mb). I also use One Drive as a redundant back up service (I would not trust it as my primary back up service based upon my experience with it. I have also used Dropbox and no longer use it due, again to my experiences using their services. There are others but of them, I only recommend Carbonite. DJP
  21. Here are some Home Designer videos about "Dimensions" for you please: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=video&q=editing+dimensions&page=1 DJP
  22. What software are you using (version and title)? What are the settings in your room specification dialog for the garage? What are the "Default Settings" for the Foundation? First Floor? Please post a copy of your ".plan" file so others can look and inspect your settings. DJP
  23. My opinion is that especially if the terrain is complicated using a computer generated topographic Map can create a terrain object so complicated (containing so many "3D Faces" that the average PC or Mac cannot easily create a visual of such an object (I know this from experience and from other users). However IF the terrain in question is rather mild, without too much modulation in height, then perhaps using GPS might work alright. I prefer using a PDF topo-map imported that I then scale and trace over using Elevation Lines and splines, making sure as I place them to check in camera views each change as a QC check as one goes along. Creating terrain gradiently and being methodical has always worked for me. I have never been able to get a useful product by importing GPS data in to Chief Architect or Home Designer, NEVER. DJP
  24. Place the object in plan view and then line it up in an elevation camera. You might have to use "left-click-control key-drag" to overcome that mirror "bumping" into other local objects. DJP
  25. Copula's are commonly on a home layer called "Fixtures, Exterior" and that layer for some reason is NOT turned on by default in "Elevation Camera" Layer Display Options Dialog, take a look. DJP