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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Legal trusses are only designed by State Licensed Structural Engineers. You, me, your builder, your software do not qualify for that job, so what you are doing is creating "conceptual" trusses and as such I am sure the ones you make will be just fine. Leave Engineering to Engineers, is my advice. DJP
  2. Your horizontal/vertical can be done manually using either the "Custom Backsplash" tool found under "Cabinet Tools" or with custom slabs sized to emulate the boards and batts all done manually. The diamond pattern image might be done using sloped soffits but I have never tried to do that using them. DJP
  3. Manually edit the dimensions to obtain what you wish. DJP
  4. I would make a copy of your original cabinet then remove its front attributes to all read "Blank Area" then resize that cabinet to 5" wide and then you would have your "filler" cabinet. DJP
  5. DavidJPotter

    Custom Truss

    I like Eric's (Solver) method better than mine (less work). I did not know you could get a truss to form without a room and a ceiling, never too late to learn more. Thanks DJP
  6. DavidJPotter

    Custom Truss

    DJP Covered Patio 21x30.zip
  7. Default settings are not all retroactive. Those that do not update must be group-selected and updated manually, sorry. DJP
  8. No, this is done manually, you just have to remember to take personal responsibility for your own actions or inactions. DJP
  9. You set up the first floor with a zero inches tall ceiling height. Draw the first floor exterior walls to your intended dimensions. In the Room Specification Dialog-Structure Tab you uncheck "Ceiling over this room" so you initially get a vaulted ceiling. Then build roofs with a steep roof pitch and stingy overhang. The result of that will be the beginnings of an "A" Frame house. DJP
  10. Same method just edit the wall polyline to emulate your opening, disregard the invisible wall in the video. You can emulate the wall above using a soffit to represent the wall header. DJP
  11. DavidJPotter

    chimney build

    Find and then download Library content to add to your Library Browser, then apply it to your chimney cap area. DJP
  12. DavidJPotter

    chimney build

    You can create a custom slab the dimensions of your above roof chimney and set whatever material you wish to its sides. DJP
  13. Look again on the Home Designer website, there are numerous mentions and data for PBR (Physically Based Rendering) https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=all&q=PBR+settings DJP
  14. DJP 769256773_BobsHouse(220409-2)ghostingcorners.plan
  15. When you attach a plan file that is open in HD Pro the result is a "Zero Kb" attachment which is useless and anyone is unable to open. What you should do is to close HD Pro FIRST and then attach the plan file for uploading. That is the only workable way to share a file. Thanks for trying but please do try again. DJP
  16. Post a copy of your plan file so people can inspect it and then report. DJP
  17. That responsibility is purely on you. DJP
  18. Select the wall, open its dialog box, then under "Wall Types" select the wall type you wish to have then close the dialog box and your wall will now display your intended wall type. DJP
  19. Open "Display Options" (Tools Display Options) dialog, turn off all named layers except "CAD Default" (the layer that the .dwg is on), then select and delete what is on that layer. Then turn on the layers you need to proceed. DJP
  20. What version of the software are you using, what title please? DJP
  21. Your opinions about what is and is not right belong to you no matter what I say. I have been a successful professional drafter-designer, 3D modeler for over 25 years and the LAST thing I worry about is walls moving, any walls. What I concentrate on is that when I am finished that the dimensions are correct and accurate to the degree possible. No one is EVER going to Live in a virtual model so perfection is not required in a virtual world, something approaching it is required in the real world and that is brought into being by trained, experienced, competent Building Professionals and not whether or not your Home Designer Pro plan file is 100% accurate. If it is accurate give or take a few inches the Professionals will make it work because that IS what they do, they do not slavishly follow plans made by amateurs' rather they do what they know works. Get your plans as accurate is possible with dimensions and then let the Pro's do what they do, they will conceptually follow your plans and make you proud of the results! DJP