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Everything posted by solver

  1. solver

    3D Library Virus

    The libraries are just database files. Can't imagine how they could harm your computer.
  2. solver

    3d Views problem?

    Not really "normal" but it does happen. It depends on the camera you are using and how it's being used.
  3. The problem is caused by the part of the 2nd floor that extends over the porch. Stupid, I know. Draw an invisible wall (room divider) on the 2nd floor creating 2 new rooms. One where the cabinets are, the other just to the left. Increase the thickness of the floor structure in these spaces by the amount you need to lower the ceiling below. This will automatically raise the ceiling height in these two new rooms, so you will need to subtract the same amount from the ceiling height. Go to the first floor and lower the ceiling of the porch. You will need to rebuild the roof to see the changes there.
  4. You might send to tech support to see what they say.
  5. I've used a lintel, and casing that is larger than normal here. Just changed the materials to brick. You may not need the lintel, i wanted something to be proud of the casing. You should be able to do the same with whatever material you choose.
  6. You cannot do what you want, the way you are trying to do it. Give this thread a read.
  7. Roofs are controlled by the spaces below. Ceiling heights force the roof up or down. Once you have the roof as you want it, turn off Auto Rebuild Roofs, and change the ceiling heights back to where they should be. It looks like your model is not matching the print.
  8. A better place for you question is This forum is about software used to model a house.
  9. Is my picture showing what you want to do?
  10. See the images. Setting marked in red.
  11. I asked the same question of Tech Support recently, and their answer was the same as Kat. Really frustrating trying to apply color as it becomes a guessing game as to which will look correct.
  12. Read up on "Roof Cuts Wall at Bottom", and "Lower Wall Type When Split by Butting Roof".
  13. I did this in Chief using a Brick Ledge. I could create a CAD Detail from this and edit it to make it look the way I wanted. These options are not available in the Home Designer products. You do have CAD Tools to draw whatever detail you need.
  14. Just tried and could not duplicate what you describe. I randomly placed 6 windows of different sizes, then deleted 2. Material list showed consecutive numbering. Tried multiple times, always with the same outcome.
  15. solver

    Roof goofyness

    The program will autobuild that + roof, but it's nice to see someone practicing. Here is an easy way to do it manually. Draw walls in a tic-tac-toe format with the center square as the house. Build the roof planes over the walls outside the square and join at the ridge. Now join the corrosponding roof planes. This is one roof join that always works. Pull the gable ends back to get the proper overhang, and delete the unneeded walls. I frequently draw temporary walls just to have a place to build a roof.
  16. solver

    Roof goofyness

    No really easy/automatic way to do these that I know. Once the 2 roof planes are drawn and connected together at the ridge, change the ridge height in their DBX to match the ridge on the garage, keeping the baseline height the same. This will change the pitch. You should be close. You can make small changes, always locking the ridge height to get them to align as needed.
  17. There is a problem with the wall between the hall and the living room. Redraw it and the ceilings work as expected.
  18. solver

    Roof goofyness

    The program often does not auto build a roof as expected, and there are several ways this could be built. Manual roofs are your friend
  19. I can't help with your question, but have you attempted to model the Kraftmaid cabinets using the tools provided with Suite?
  20. You can edit the texture file in a program like Photoshop to change the grout, and change the pattern file with the adjust material definition tool.