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Everything posted by solver

  1. solver

    Split shed

    Roofs build over rooms, so make the floor plan a rectangle, build the roof, turn off auto rebuild roofs. Not understanding this. Your info shows a 2 floor structure, not a split level. In any case, you may need to change ceiling heights etc temporally to get the roof built.
  2. solver

    Sill plate

    The sill is part of the foundation.
  3. solver

    3D View Floor

    It looks like you have manually placed a beam within the floor structure, and I'm guessing that's what you are looking at. The Tape Measure tool is often not the best tool to use when you want a precise measurement. See my image above showing actual measurements. The program is building the floor structure just as you instructed, using I-joist and using the beam you drew in. Do a Perspective Framing Overview to see. You need to tell the program to build the floor with the 4x8 lumber joist and you will get this.
  4. solver

    3D View Floor

    It's usually best to use a section view to check these things. Looks OK to me here.
  5. Look at the Layer Display Settings
  6. Have you reviewed your dimension default settings?
  7. Check your camera defaults and layer settings.
  8. The ability to change icon size is a new feature and not available in older versions.
  9. You will need to use a Custom Backsplash to create the arched piece, then position it on the cabinet. Draw the backsplash against a wall, change its materials to match the cabinet, size and shape, then move to the face of the cabinet. You may be able to block it with the cabinet so they remain as one if the cabinet is moved.
  10. Are you wanting something like this?
  11. Here is a plan using auto built roofs that should get you going. I'd add the porch roof manually after the other parts of the roof are correct using the auto builder. Using your plan, Go to Edit>Reset To Defaults, choose all floors and check all the options. Go To Edit>Delete Objects, choose Roof Planes and Roof Baseline Polylines. Delete the 2nd floor and the Attic level. (Build>Floor>Delete Current Floor) Turn on auto rebuild roofs, then change the settings to make the roof work. Don't check Make Roof Baseline Polyline as it's not needed. Ty's Dream Home (eric).zip
  12. Just take a couple of screen captures and post them.
  13. What is "right"? If it's an existing house -- post images, if not, someone needs an idea of what you want via a drawing or other.
  14. Do a Fill Window (F6). The plan will show really small. Zoom out some more, then marquee the entire bottom of the screen. Delete. You may need to do this a couple of times. Do a Fill Window Building Only, then a Fill Window. They should be about the same. If not repeat the above.
  15. Try using the Full Camera. You almost never want the Floor Camera.
  16. solver

    Importing Terrain

    You can move it out of the way using Transform/Replicate. Just move 200' or whatever distance you choose. It's out of the way, but still available if needed and easy to reposition exactly.
  17. Are you asking about Patterns or Textures? Check Help if you are unsure of the differences.
  18. Automatically generated walls like the ones above the porch are always marked No Room Definition. Check the walls bordering the room on the 2nd floor and uncheck the ones marked No Room Def.
  19. There are span tables for dimensioned lumber and I joist. Open web trusses are designed by a truss builder. None of the Home Designer/Chief Architect products interface directly with any structural/engineering software.
  20. If you want the space to match the rest of the building, either make the Office room type match your Garage room type, or tell the program it is a Garage, but change the room label to Office.
  21. This should be obvious Look at the Structure settings for the room with the unwanted floor structure.
  22. Have you toggled off textures?