Unable to frame floor in lumber, only I joists


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When I generate the floor framing the program shows I joists, regardless of the fact that I specify lumber (fir studs 16" center) or default, which is supposed to be lumber--according to the reference manual.  This is only true of the first floor framing, the second floor is lumber.


I'm sure I am missing something.


Any ideas would be helpful, thanks.



HD Pro 2014

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make sure you uncheck the default box in the Floor Defaults DBX then check the structure type as Eric shows above ,as even though it may say Fir Framing at the top, the structure type can still show I-Joist and will still be I-joist after you try to change it if you don't uncheck the default box.



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Thanks Eric and Mick.


This was a tough one and NOT self evident.  When I selected Defaults/Floor Structure, the type (lumber) was greyed out and unavailable to check.  Hometalk 1 jpeg.   I don't know why exactly, but I clicked on the second sizing box (2) under Layer which was set at 7".  When I clicked on that box, the Structure Type then became active and changed to I Joist.  Hometalk 2 jpeg.


After I changed that to lumber all is good.  Thank you for the guidance.  Mystery detectives on the job.





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your pics seem to indicate you were in the FRAMING Defaults , not the FLOOR Defaults ( though you mention Floor defaults above) ,not sure if that was why it was initially greyed out or not though?


FYI  a  7" Floor joist would be a non-standard size  , 2x8 is  7 1/2" and they are no longer used for floor joists unless the span is very short or perhaps for matching up to and existing floor structure . 2x10 or 2x12 is the usual size today.



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Framing or Floor defaults, they are both the same in terms of how the program operates.  I tried it to be sure.


I just ran down the basement and measured them--7 1/4" joists.  The house is 1936, so I'm sure that explains it.  We are raising the house, excavating to make our 1/4 basement into a full basement living area, pouring new foundation and setting the house back down.  These are the engineering drawings.



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yes the age would account for the 2x8 joists , I run into this at work a lot as many of the homes are 60-100yrs old  here, these days a very rough rule of thumb is not to span more than 1 foot per inch of joist depth , ie a 2x8 would be good for 8 ft max assuming the load wasn't significant , but the Engineer will look at al that as part of the permit process.


In some cases you ae right there are sometime 2-3 ways to get the same result , but there are times you need a certain DBX , eg the Framing defaults set for 7 1/4" would give you  that size for ALL joist throughout the house on all levels , but you could also set the 2nd floor to have 2x10 joists if need via the Floor defaults>structure setting. 



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  • 1 month later...


Have the same problem but can't find what you all are talking about. I have HD Pro 15 and don't even have "framing" under the defaults box.

Beginning to wonder if all of the program didn't download the way it should of (just a couple of days ago) or, more frustratingly, why I paid the extra money for Pro when it isn't giving me anything more than my HD Suite 2006.



HD Pro 15

Windows 8.1

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Used the wrong software title last time. I have Arch 2015 not Pro. That said, the BUILD>FRAMING option is not there for me. If it is, I can't find it. The word "joists" does not show up in the Users Guide and only once in the reference manual under decking overhang. Not sure where to go from here. Not using I-joists.



HD Arch 15

Windows 8.1

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HDS Product comparison-matrix.pdfFetching info...


I am not sure HDA has any framing options (see above pdf), it is all autobuild I think except perhaps deck posts and beams and I think it has a locked Floor Thickness like Suite but call CS on Monday to check it is 6years? since I used HDA


you have your 30 day return time if it doesn't do what you want so don't panic..... download the Pro free Trial and test it out ...only you can decide if it is worth it. 

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  • 2 years later...

I'm having problems getting pro 2018 to use lumber instead of I-Joist.  I have went in and set my defaults plus in the build framing I choose wood not I-joist.  Needing to get this fixed so I can finish my material list to send in for bids. Thanks for any help

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Thanks for the reply.  I just must not be getting it. I have change my defaults to wood etc.. and have followed the example above.  We have tried several things and still not able to get rid of the I joist. I was a one time able to add wood joist with the I joist still in there but my dimensions were not correct since I'm trying to use 2x12 as my floor joist.

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  • 6 years later...

Hi there, Similar to those requests above I need 9" LUMBER floor joists to model an older home.  I've read and tried all of the above suggestions to get lumber on the first floor joists and the resulting plan never varies from I-joist. I've checked and Uncheck both of the framing boxes shown in my Image. Changed the default floor, changed the default framing, Built the foundation, deleted foundation and started over. Everything I can find says LUMBER , but framing overview always show I-joist

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Need LUMBER not I-Joist on First Floor Subfloor..jpg

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A couple of tips.


1) Start a new thread when you have a question. 


2) Attach your plan file after closing Pro. Zip if needed. Helps prevent a bunch of back and fourth, or someone like me having to enumerate (guess) at all the possibilities.


3) Pay attention to your settings.


Here you have set the OSB to be framing and lumber. 


And you should have auto rebuild framing on -- framing settings are not dynamic.



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