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Everything posted by katalyst777

  1. If your version doesn't allow you to modify the wall type to change the color or definition, you can still use the "Hatch Wall" tool to apply a hatching (which you can change to a solid color) to indicate those types of walls.
  2. I created a simple material in Paint that's just the color red and saved it as a bunch of different file types (png, jpg, gif, tiff, etc) and any time I get this warning (usually switching between computers with a plan when I didn't bother to use "Backup Entire Plan"), I choose that red color. Then find the offending object in a 3D camera view and use the Material Painter (spray can) to replace the material with something from the Core catalog. Would be nice if the software handled this better though.
  3. Can't say without seeing the plan, but the easiest way to reset all your floor and ceiling heights back to defaults is just to go to Edit> Default Settings> Reset to Defaults. Choose All Floors, check Floor Heights and Ceiling Heights then click OK. As an aside, whenever you upgrade to a new version and go to save an old plan brought forward, you should have an Archive of the older plan, so if you do decide to go back to 2014, you can check in to that (of course, any changes made in 2016 wouldn't have been saved).
  4. SAILOR139 - I triple checked, my previous instructions do work. Are you maybe using the Material Painter (spray can) instead of the "Adjust Material Definition" (rainbow) tool? solver - Since it was a custom image, I got the missing graphic error on taking a 3D view and had to replace it with a different image (I just chose the color red). Try drawing a wall in the Bedroom on Floor 0 and you should see what's happening.
  5. You've adjusted the Material Definition of "Drywall" to be your Declaration painting. To fix it, while in a 3D Camera view, select 3D> Materials> Adjust Material Definition, then click on the surface of the wall showing the "Declaration" painting material. Move the radio button from Texture to "Solid Color" then click on the Select button to fix the color. By default, "Drywall" is set to . . . Red: 239 Green: 233 Blue: 218 Then click OK in the Select Color dialog, and OK again in the Define Material dialog.
  6. Like solver said, you can't redefine Wall Types in Suite. You can, however, choose an approximate wall type, like LawB10 suggested. I guess the real question is WHY do you want to redefine the wall types? In your version, you can change the exterior and interior materials of walls, as well as adjust their thickness, which probably covers most situations. If you need to edit how framing is going to be used or set up an actual custom wall type for Materials List purposes, then you'll need to upgrade.
  7. See the links in this prior thread. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/1524-commercial-tar-gravel-roof-with-parapet-walls/
  8. I'm not sure why I've never really noticed this section before, but it looks like a lot of posts here probably belonged in the Q&A as opposed to being tips, so I'm going to try to add a few that come up pretty often. Since we don't have the ray tracing capabilities of the Premier version in Home Designer, appliances like refrigerators, range hoods, ovens, dishwashers, etc look like a flat grey if you apply one of the standard metal materials from the Library Browser, but you can use some of the Formica metal materials, or create your own custom shiny metal materials to give these a more realistic look. There are some great examples in this earlier thread: https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/15-kitchen-appliances/
  9. Try Edit> Reset to Defaults> All Floors> Ceiling Heights Is that the way you want the roof to look? If so, once it's built, turn off Auto Rebuild Roofs, then go back and make any desired changes to the Ceiling Heights in your rooms.
  10. Short answer: NO There was a thread on this some months back, but when you install Home Designer, you can choose to install the software to a different (internal) drive, and save your plan/layout files to that drive, and even move your Data folder to that other drive, but the Library content (Core, Manufacturer and Bonus which is the stuff that takes up the most space) can't be moved, it's going to be stuck on the C: drive in ProgramData. Don't put stuff on an external hard drive. File loss, data corruption, bad bad bad idea! (There's a lot more information on ChiefTalk with the company people chiming in too if you want more information as to the "why," but in short, just don't do it.)
  11. I haven't found this feature to be important enough to upgrade to Premier myself, yet, but sorry, I am being realistic. You can import objects in to the less advanced Home Designer programs but they are all going to be "Interior Fixtures" and treated as such. Only the Premier X7 has the advanced capabilities on how to bring stuff in. From this article: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00888/importing-3d-symbols.html All imported third party symbols are brought in to the Home Designer software as independent interior fixtures, meaning they will be located on the "Fixtures, Interior" layer in Display Options. The Chief Architect Premier version of the software has additional options for importing 3D symbols, such as doors/windows, lights, cabinets, and much more. If you are interested in upgrading to the more advanced version to gain these features for imported symbols, please contact our Sales team directly to discuss your upgrade options. You could rent Premier monthly too, which would help to spread out the cost, and then you'd be able to create custom 3D moldings too, not just apply them to rooms. http://www.chiefarchitect.com/software-rental/ Otherwise, trudge along like the rest of us and make do without the fancier capabilities!
  12. The software's Help on that tool says: "A Materials List calculated from a room is created for only the contents of that room: wall materials are not included."
  13. Upgrade to Chief Architect Premier X7. You can't bring in symbols as different types of objects (like doors/windows that place in to walls, molding profiles, etc) in any of the Home Designer programs.
  14. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00358/automatically-building-a-one-and-a-half-story-roof.html
  15. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00317/creating-a-half-height-wall.html This Knowledge Base article has instructions on creating a partial height wall.
  16. If you have a different version of the plan which does have grass, it likely means either you don't have an enclosed room (so the terrain is showing inside of the garage), or maybe that you accidentally used the Material Painter on the flooring and changed it to a grass material.
  17. katalyst777


    In Home Designer, you would usually create the basement on Floor 0, and the first floor on Floor 1, even if your existing drawing has them displayed side by side. Go through the User Guide (under the software's Help menu) if you haven't already to get a better grasp on how the software deals with multiple floors.
  18. katalyst777

    3D Export

    Is the option to import an STL in to SketchUp only available in the paid version? I don't see it as an option in the free version of SketchUp Make that I have.
  19. I would probably keep the most recent backup of each file, just in case, but there's no problem with deleting them as far as the software's concerned.
  20. Not sure I quite understand. Can't you just delete the cars from Floor 0 and put them on Floor 1 instead?
  21. The image actually makes it look like your roof plane is cutting part of the wall off. Could you attach the plan itself?
  22. For future reference in case anyone stumbles across this thread: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00179/restoring-the-default-size-and-position-of-the-library-browser.html
  23. katalyst777

    AAC walls

    In addition to being unable to save the plan, the trial version also won't let you print, export images, or create walkthrough files.
  24. KB-00137: Placing a Picture Frame on a Wall
  25. First, make sure the correct floor is active for where you drew your plan (probably Floor 1), then use the Fill Window (Building Only) tool to zoom in on it.