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Everything posted by Robborito

  1. I keep all plan/design versions in the same plan (HDPro) file and selectively amend each design accordingly - copying various bits as required - I find this easier to see if changes are made in one file as opposed to opening several. That is my preference.
  2. Robborito

    Glass Windows

    So the lesson here is - copy and amend the copy and not the original? Is that it? This means re-assignin the material in the defaults? Correct? Thanks.
  3. I too am interested to see these wonderful images that may have been rendered in I have asked similar question in the past and came to the conclusion ,as advised, that go with CA for better and raytraced renderings. It is what it is - I am learning. Timeless_16 - btw, your kitchen renders posted look ok I thought. Marceline's version just adds lights - doesn't it?
  4. Wow. That seemed all too easy when I thought about it - but it works. Thankyou Kat.
  5. OK _ Thanks for that historical feedback David. However, my point here is - seems the door placement has been re-invented with these doors to me....when you insert a door normally/otherwise, in the normal sense - things happen and the door is there be it a slider or other selection. Not sure I understand the logic behind how we are to place these Nana Walls. But anyway - I am learning. Maybe someone could post a short video on how these are to be placed correctly - I can't seem to make them work.
  6. OK - well how does that work? Cut the hole then insert the object or something? I use Pro - there does not appear to be any special means of preparing a wall, doorway or opening to allow insertion of the object that I can see.... Nicely done however is your image.
  7. I also have downloaded these door objects....not really useful. Why or how they are to be used was a mystery....and until now reading this post I wonder how or why you would insert them into a doorway of the same size? Is this the intended use and installation of these? A pity really because they look great on the surface. Disappointing. See screen shot attached - this is hardly a useful process.....and surely not the intent?
  8. Here tis' - so whats the problem - it's called a decagon....universally. ( a ten sided polygon )
  9. Robborito


    I thought this was a HD Pro forum? Seems that 3D Warehouse is always on the go...suggested by the maestro's. Check out these escalators.. What are you waiting for...happy escalating. Ciao.
  10. You are right I did not say that about the capping - did't want to cloud the issues - I decided that myself after I read your first reply - Thank you. So - this new wall you created - was it built as a railing or something else? And so the granite capping is a handrail is it - with adjusted dimensions to match a capping I guess? So there was another solution after all that. Well thanks Eric. Appreciate you taking the time to reply again.
  11. But again - what relevance does the wall have - brick or block? whats the difference. And in my local area.....core filled blockwork is not uncommon. If thats strange to you - then that is just strange to you. Still not with you on what it is you are suggesting...sorry.
  12. For what exactly? To change the top of the wall material? I'm not with you...sorry. And Eric, The old Go Through Wall Below button - it makes sense when someone tells you - Thank you. How did I miss that.... Yep I worked around that and now all good. What I did for the top of the wall - is layed a 40mm capping atop it using - yep ye old soffit. Thanks DJPotter for that tip. Cool bananas. Thank to all.
  13. Ok - Thank you DJP. ( and Eric ) Yes - I did try the materials tab first prior to then using the eyedropper etc - however both not working for me. And sure its not 'proper' perhaps - but I'm trying to hasten the learning curve. It's also more a case for me of learning to understand the relevance and interoperability between other objects, for the objects I have built. In other words - working with rooms as diferentiated to working with walls. Two different processes. I'm sure the work around of using a soffit as a wall substitute is workable - but its a case for me of understanding why the 'wall' does what it does. (and doesn't do) I am posting the .plan file for Eric - if you can have a look for me - that would be a buzz to have your experience at my desk - Thankyou. DJP - I'm not complaining by the way - far from that as I am a novice, and I ask these questions in curiosity. Thankyou. Trevellyan Riad 2016.plan
  14. Hi all. My model; I have built walls as balustrades and am struggling to get my understanding of how to have it cantilevered symmetrically - and change materials for the wall and slab it sits on as part of the cantilever? I have successfully built what is working ok for me - but struggle with materials - even with eyedropper and spray can/roller. I've got this far thru working with the information base via the forum - but can't understand yet logically what it is I'm attempting to change here - is it the floor, is it the wall? Is it the structure? I thought I knew - but I don't. All I want is to have the wall/balustrade - wall top, wall external face and side with the slab/floor to be the same material. (See attached) Can anyone offer guidance here please? I've attached some images here of the model on my query. Many thanks in anticipation. Robbo.
  15. I recently upgraded to HDPro 17 - and on my iMac OSX 10.9.5 2.9 GHz Intel Core i5, I have noticed an improvement in 3D handling, render and general model appearance for some reason? The model is a pleasure to work with. I have no idea if anything has been done software wise, and I am using the same iMac as I used with HDPro16 - this has been an issue for me in the past - but the upgrade cost is great value. (for that reason alone it seems) imo. Cheers. Robbo.
  16. All is possible if you contemplate the outcome required..... but after all is said - its still just a shipping container isn't it? 3D warehouse? OMG.....what have I done.
  17. I just group my layout images, elevation etc and sheets order in the one layout and drag them into place over the layout sheet when I need that specific page printed; It solves the one page HDPro limitation.... Its good enuf just needs a small bit of extra shuffling - but its fine. Just requires a bit of planning and you can layout as many sheets as you like - just bring them over the actual layout when needed to print.
  18. OK - Thank you David J. Potter for your reply. I will investigate the 3D warehouse scenario - have not looked there yet - but will investigate your direction. HD Pro - has such an amazing selection of landscaping - quite uniquely. I have experimented with adding shadows to trees in exported images selectively in 'Gimp'- an image editor for Mac, with varying degrees of artistic success. For reasons - that I just like the planting selections available in HDPro. Regards.
  19. Robborito

    Elevation Layout

    The scaled watercolour or similar images on layouts are excellent for scaled and coloured 'presentation drawings' - or very close too a scale of reference. ( Maybe my image attachment on last comment was missed?) These layouts are not necessarily intended nor not likely to be handed to the 'framer', or any other tradesperson - unless they have preference in that regard. Interior designers, Architects and especially clients - seem to like them. The original question by 'English' - was in regard to getting scaled images I thought. Cheers.
  20. Robborito

    Elevation Layout

    OK - I hear you - So is that a scale of 1:10? - I only recall using 1/8"=1' back in dark ages - early 1960's at school here; We went metric in 1966. However - that aside, this is what I do to get a coloured 'scale'- watercolour image in a layout - well for presentation anyway. See attached grab from my screen in layout. I always state on my drawings they are not to be scaled from in any case - so any in-corrections or minor discrepancies - would be minimal at this scale anyway. I have also at times contemplated drawing the elevation outline at the correct scale on the layout sheet, and using this then to guide or reference my required 'watercolour image' scale. Cheers.
  21. Robborito

    Elevation Layout

    OK - thanks for the translation. I can't repeat this problem to test the situation for future reference? Scale is one thing - but tho matter re greyed out vector view options only occurs (for me) in 3D camera views? But you can still insert the image into layout - and slide scale the view as required to fit the page being used. If the scale won't fit the page - just insert it anyway - and likewise - scale it to fit the page. Thats what I do. Anyway....Thanks again.
  22. Robborito

    Elevation Layout

    What? I do not understand this comment or its relevance? Could you explain this comment please, cause I am not with you? Thank-you in advance. What does this have to do with scale?
  23. My understanding is that sketch up models import into HDPro? Try this in the 3D warehouse....there are heaps there that may be adaptable - just pick one. Cheers. Robborito.
  24. I have looked everywhere - but still can't find anything that will allow the inserted trees and plants to cast respective shadows on a 'final render with shadows'? Is it possible at all in HDPro 2016? Maybe not. I can get other objects, cars, etc to do so - but not the trees and plant (images) that are inserted into a model? See attached image....... Thankyou.
  25. See attached screen grab; Have a look at far left hand column - not far right column? Line 81 - 87.