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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Here are some solutions, at least visually to "solve" software shortfalls in the meantime while Tech Support comes up with advice: DJP
  2. Some choices are available in Pro, like Jo Ann said and it is true that even more choices are available in Chief Premier as Eric Said. If you could post an example of exactly what you mean by "Built up Molding" we could all then be even more sure as to what can and cannot be done just in Pro. You can also make some pretty fancy stuff in SketchUP for downloading and importing into Pro that cannot be made just in Pro as a third option (SketchUP is free, all you spend is the time to learn that simple software to augment Pro). DJP
  3. Well, it would help to know exactly what you mean by "Building on piers". But yes, I commonly draw the first and second floors and then on a blank floor zero I place the pier objects as appropriate for the kind of piers I want to represent, commonly from the "Shapes" library. If you want a less generalized answer you will need to be a lot more specific with your question. DJP
  4. Your question seems to indicate that you probably have Home Designer Pro, yes? All Home Designer and Chief Premier software have alphabetically named object layers found in a dialog named "Display Options" where you can turn on and off those layers in plan and camera views to display what you wish to be visual. If you want something fancier you would have to upgrade to Chief Architect premier which contains more sophisticated and advanced ways to display graphic layers and sets of layers. What do you have, please? DJP
  5. There are two basic things one can do to raise your ability to learn: 1. look up and get defined any word or symbol you encounter while studying or reading. If you are in the habit of skipping words or symbols while reading, everything after that word or symbol will not be understood or remembered but if you stop, look up and get understood such things, you will remember what you just read. Just doing this simple action can actually raise your I.Q. by several points, not to mention your competence (ability to do). 2. Really look at, and scan through dialog boxes. When you look at them, look at each line of the dialog, its input boxes, its checkboxes and so forth. As you scan them, if you see one you do not understand, stop right there and look up that dialog box in your Reference Manual (found under the Help Menu) and get it understood. Treat it as a "misunderstood" as in #1 above. This software is controlled by Default Settings, Preferences and Dialog Box settings, master those and you master the software. DJP
  6. With HD Pro you can directly edit and manipulate roof planes, Wall Polylines and other types of object that you cannot directly touch in Suite, Architectural, Interiors or Essentials which delivers a lot more freedom and ease to make perfect more things which automaticity and pre-settings alone do not allow. You will find it liberating indeed compared to Suite. DJP
  7. Dear Lady, I do not know you well enough to say, in any way that you are "lazy" or anything else. I was merely pointing out, what I thought to be germane to getting anything done with this software based upon my own experience with it. It is not even my purpose to "make you wrong" for anything at all. My intent is and always will be "to help" others get things done that they want to be done. Dormers of any kind, manual or dormer tool require some tweaking and since the dormer tool has preprogrammed limitations one has to then step in manually and do whatever is required to obtain an acceptable result. If I were to simply say that upgrading to Pro will solve all your problems would be too simplistic to state. Upgrading to Home Designer Pro or Chief Premier offers potential solutions to a wider array of possibilities but once purchased, those tools and procedures have to be learned to be in any way possible, useful to you or anyone else. DJP
  8. Thank you for the angry response, resorting to name calling. I hope it makes you feel better to lash out at me. The answer to your question is "Yes" it can be done without resorting to workarounds. Angry persons generally are not happy or very competent, a lighter, happier attitude might help in the direction of any attained competence you may, in the future obtain. I do wish you well in any case. DJP
  9. I have Chief Architect Premier versions 7-20, Home Designer Pro, Architectural, Suite, Essentials and Interior versions since about Version 6 and whether or not you directed your question to me or not, Since 1995 when I started the answer was yes back in 1995 and is still "yes" now. Learning to obtain a result with this software or any software really is a developed skill not luck or random success. DJP
  10. Read this Knowledge Base Help Article on the subject of "Beamed Ceilings", Eric answered your Arch question already. DJP
  11. 360 Panorama files are a feature of Home Designer Pro 2019. 2018 does not have this feature, sorry. DJP
  12. In the real world, walls are not all a uniform thickness like they are in a software program. Walls and also not perfectly "plumb" like they are in a software program. I have been a professional drafter and designer for over twenty years and this is well understood by building professionals, everywhere. The purpose of Construction Documents or Blue Prints is to communicate to other Building professionals the intent of the client or designer. Carpenters, Foundation Sub Contractors, plumbers, HVAC technicians, Architects, Engineers, General Contractors, Civic Plan Checkers, and Civic Inspectors are all either State Licensed or experienced in how to do their jobs. Plans are merely a "battle plan" about the concept of the project. It is extremely rare that a finished project mirrors, in every detail the original plans. Building Design and Architecture are creative endeavors in concert with those who wish to inhabit and use such products. Living projects commonly change as they become more and more "real" to those who are paying for the project, often their preconceptions change based upon the reality unfolding before their eyes. It is a Human creative thing and not a mechanical thing. DJP
  13. There is a section in your Library Browser of choices of different Backdrop images for use in camera views. One does this by way of "Edit - Default Settings - Camera Tools -Camera types - 3D background", check it out, please. DJP
  14. Eric wants you to create a "Signature" for your posts. Commonly, the "Signature" contains information about your software and your PC. This helps people better help you. Import this library symbol into your Library Browser to use as the gate you need and want. I exported it from my Chief Architect Premier Library Browser. DJP Dog-eared Gate.calibz