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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. The cross-section camera view does not contain the columns because they are outside of the extents of the back clipped cross-section camera that you used, the whole point of using a back clipped camera is so you can include or exclude objects, if you wish the columns included in your cross-section view then make sure your camera viewpoint includes at least one of them in its view field. Currently, it does not. Each camera type and plan views have each their own "Display Options" dialog that allows you to control what is seen or not seen per plan or camera view. The Back Clip Cross-section camera just adds a little more control relative to what you can and cannot include in the view. DJP
  2. Share a copy of your plan file so others can then look and see what can or can't be done. DJP
  3. Find out what your local building authority requires for new single home family dwellings. These people have websites and people whose job it is to advise and help you. You do not know what to expect, then find out for yourself what is required, now. DJP
  4. HD is programmed to allow "Living space" to be created on Floor zero, one, two or three, never in the Attic or <A> floor level, so f your garage plan does not yet include a second floor you are just wasting time. You leave the roof planes resting on the first floor and then manually draw the walls for the attic room on floor two but underneath the existing roof planes of the first floor. That is how you then get a "storey and a half" outcome. DJP
  5. That command still exists in Chief Premier and I rarely use it because 0f what rookie65 observed and I agree it is not worth the aggravation it causes or you might say the work it causes that has to be manually repaired afterward. It is a lot easier to just draw interior dimensions manually and this IS what I currently do when I need and want them. good riddance I say. DJP
  6. You should be able to download any of these that are free or even those that are for sale but you must also pay for those, take a look: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/library&search=&x=0&y=0&x=true&soft_family_2=2&hid_soft_family_2=2& DJP
  7. Please share your plan file with me and I can and will work with you to straighten it up and get your plans done. DJP
  8. In your posted image I see a gable where one would expect to see a gable roof, If you do not have a structural wall under such a gable you often must draw such a wall manually on the Attic <A> floor level. DJP
  9. Yes, that should work perfectly, unlike a ".dwg" file the layers exported will be only on a single named layer. DJP
  10. What software are you using? If all you have is auto-roof generation you can lower a ceiling height and that secondarily lowers the roof over that room. DJP
  11. This is easily done in Chief Premier but no so in HD Pro. If I were you, I would create a ".plan" file and call it Wall Types and then when I wanted that wall type you could then copy-paste that custom wall type into your current plan from the "Wall Types" plan. A lot of what Chief Premier can do can be done in Pro but it usually takes additional steps in Pro. DJP
  12. This may be helpful, take a look DJP
  13. After you learn how to manually create and adjust roof planes, it gets easier and easier but NOT at first. DJP
  14. I agree with Eric above, what, more succinctly stated, is your question? I downloaded your plan file and looked it over. What I noticed is that the auto-roof generator was building the roof plane edges too close to the intended taller walls, thus cutting them off from their intended height. To get what I think you wish you would have to do this manually seems on the surface to be simple but is actually rather complex. DJP
  15. Turn "Angle Snaps" back on. DJp
  16. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/videos/watch/10176/home-designer-remodeling-project.html This video may also be useful DJP
  17. What software are you using? Have you ordered framing to be built (in some HD titles it will not read framing unless you build it first) DJP
  18. What is your purpose exactly for your asking, please? DJP