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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. If you are a State LIcensed Structural Engineer licensed to operate in your State, "YES", otherwise "NO" (Leave engineering to those trained to it please). Outside the USA, who knows? DJP
  2. That is caused by sloppy work on your part (I do not intend to be mean, just factual). It is caused by poor wall connections which the solution is to find and fix those poor connections. To select any specific space you left-click, then depress the "Next button" or Tab Key and then the intended selection will then be made. It is annoying but it is also something you did and you can fix. DJP
  3. DavidJPotter

    Roof design

    This video may be of help (or not, I hope so): https://youtu.be/O8CHjh2BG-c DJP
  4. Here is a short simple tutorial showing what I am talking about in Pro 2016: https://youtu.be/09Df9MnF70w DJP
  5. Eric or I would need to know EXACTLY how you intend to build your "Metal Building" (all metal buildings are not created equal you know). but however you intend to build that needs to be known and emulated in the software FIRST before you start drawing. Default Settings must be set, then start drawing. DJP
  6. The "trick" is to first select the bay window then hit the next button or tab key and then the resize handles show up. This is true from Essentials to Premier. DJP
  7. When you select a bay window object in a camera view (Not Plan View) it will display "handles" which can be edited to make the window taller, shorter , wider or skinnier . There are handles while in plan view but only for changing the plan view dimensions. Take a look and see for yourself. DJP
  8. Eric is correct, you changed the ceiling height from the default and caused the roofs to "go wild" DJP
  9. I looked over your file while videoing it, I did not have enough information to really complete the look over perhaps what is there will help you: https://youtu.be/xQUSFZ4GQP4 DJP 68 Elizabeth Street (Primary)DJP.plan
  10. Yes, you print to 11x17, take that to a print service. The print service will scan your 11x17 and up size 200% it to 22x34 (almost 24x36). We used to do that all the time when I did not have a large format plotter. You also have to think ahead in terms of annotations, what would be 1/8" scale on 11x17 will need to graduate to 1/4" on 24x36, though the text can be unsized, what the text says in terms of scale must be there from the beginning. DJP
  11. it is cumbersome but is all you can do for a custom object like that. You can check at 3D Warehouse for something like that, download and import or just make it piece by piece DJP
  12. I agree with Eric, post the plan, perhaps some other person can also help. Upgrading to Architectural is a waste of money IMHO, upgrade to Home Designer Pro or stay with what you have, roof wise, there is little difference between Interiors and Architectural. DJP
  13. I edited your roofs in X8 and reprogrammed so you can continue to edit your Interiors plan file and I videoed myself doing that edit for those interested: https://youtu.be/9_8VWjNx9m8 DJP Roof Fix-X8.plan
  14. Edit - Default Settings - Dimensions - Format -Smallest Fraction in tenths or you can set how many decimal places to use. In that dialog you can also choose the Unit to use (mm, cm or m) DJP
  15. As you can see in my "Signature" line I have lots of Home Designer and Chief Premier software on my PC. I have not noticed any large difference between those versions. Each Home Designer version is based upon the same engine for Chief Architect Premier version. I do know that end users get variable performance from time to time which I attribute to the "Three Reasons" I listed above. The end user is usually the most important factor, positive or negative. DJP
  16. The performance level will vary for several possible reasons: 1. the quality of and how well the hardware of a computer works, even in Mac's this is an uncontrollable variable 2. The habits, maintenance and behavior of a computer user directly effects overall performance (some people just have a low affinity and responsibility level towards mechanical devices and it tells on the controlled devices). Some have such a high affinity level for something that that something rarely breaks where as other just look at something and it breaks) 3. The competence and professionalism of the end user directly can effect how well a virtual construct acts; how a user understands how to use his tools can build in problems and slow a plan construct down (seen it time and time again). DJP
  17. The more complex the plan the more 3D faces that have to be located per second. Anything but a super computer will tend to slow down under a heavier load, it is just a matter of physics and is to be expected. There may be some not obvious reason but I would have to have a copy of the file to explore hidden causes. The first consideration is size and complexity. DJP
  18. Too many questions that are not well explained-communicated. Please be more specific and share a copy of your plan showing where the retaining walls are to go. None of us here know your project as well as you do. Keep that in mind. DJP
  19. The above is from https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00850/drawing-a-plot-plan.html Knowledge Base Article on doing Surveys. I think this is what you are running into. There are other articles in the Knowledge Base which may help you as well: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?q=drawing+surveys DJP
  20. You do not, that can only be done in Chief Architect Premier unless you are talking about a Sketchup grab bar which can be rotated or edited in Sketchup and then reimported into Home Designer. Have you checked for additional library catalogs available at the Home Designer Website? 3D Warehouse and then download and import? DJP
  21. See if this You Tube video helps: If that does not help please call Tech Support for phone help DJP
  22. Select any object to bring back the "Edit Tool bar", it ONLY appears when something-anything is selected. When it is visible, it contains command icons that are germane to the selected object. It is supposed to disappear when nothing is currently selected. DJP
  23. Since PC's and Mac's tend to vary relative to their OS and hardware, it is not unusual for one user's experiences to vary from others. Though I have all Home Designer titles and versions on my PC, I rarely use anything buy Chief Premier X7 and X8 except to work with others or to make video tutorials. The owner's maintenance of or the lack thereof of their computer is another wild variable and their competence level also can be quite variable. Were I you, if interested, I would call Chief Architect Inc Tech Support and see if they have any useful advice about your slowness, it may be a setting or condition native to your machine or its installed software. DJP
  24. Foundations do not appear by some sort of "Magic", they appear because you told them to appear by way of "Edit - Default Settings - Foundation" being set the way you want and you also have to set Edit - Default Settings - Floor - Structure Tab" the way you intend to build and lastly you set each Room Specification Dialog - Structure Tab to the kind of foundation you want under each room. Once you have done that and you then order a foundation to be built, it then and only then builds. Ever after all that in most titles you can still just draw the foundation walls manually using the wall tools so to sum up if you have no foundation it is because to did not take the steps necessary to create one. DJP
  25. Ditto here, it is an extremely simple plan that performs on my PC as expected. Some of these Knowledge Base Help articles you may find helpful: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?q=camera+view+problems You should call Chief Architect Tech Support during their Pacific Time office hours and ask them as well. There is no doubt in my mind that the problem is resident in your PC, exactly what, I do not know know. What do you have? DJP