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Posts posted by solver

  1. Review the wall definition change I made in post #6.


    1) Go to the basement level and change the wall definition.


    2) Click the button in the edit toolbar to align the basement wall with the wall above.


    The walls will not automatically align themselves up.


    Aligning the first floor wall with the basement wall does not work.


    I understand this is a problem as you are building the foundation first, and doing this will move the foundation walls.


    You may ctrl drag walls to align them as needed too.

  2. The Knowledge Base is full of helpful information, including an article on aligning walls. 


    Since your basement wall is not a standard wall type, posting a small plan with that wall included would make it easier for us to experiment.

  3. We could be far more helpful if you would post the plan.


    There are so many variables and without the plan, we are often just guessing.


    A bit frustrating and time consuming for us and for you.

  4. Follow the instructions in post 15. Briefly, draw wall, set to length, draw next wall, set to length etc.


    Drawing each new wall using the same wall type handle from the previous wall. 

  5. Yes, I suggested Same Wall Type back in post 15. This really should be the default setting.


    Alan -- Check out that post.


    And why are you drawing basement walls? Typically, the basement walls are generated from the first floor walls automatically when you build the foundation.

  6. Reflect About is handy for many things.


    Here, I drew the top left bay (so I could draw clockwise), then using Copy and Reflect About, copied it to the other corners of the structure. 



  7. Not sure what you are referring to when you say "standard foundation wall".


    You may set defaults for walls for each plan, so when you draw an exterior wall, for example, you always get the default wall you set.




    I stil don't understand the problem you are having. If you are drawing an as built, do you have pictures of the house? Could you post a hand drawn image of the plan?


    "The problem in drawing counter clockwise is that I end up with a wall that connects to the existing building that is not what I need."


    What do you need? 

  8. That's what I needed.


    Suggest using a slab or custom counter top instead of a soffit for the hearth, as I believe a soffit automatically has any trim wrapped around it.


    Once I substituted a slab for the soffit, the baseboard was still wrong. I deleted the closet shelf (mantle), then put it back using Ctrl+Z. The base changed to be correct.


    Looks like a bug.


  9. Looks like you have walls around the fireplace?


    Posting the plan would be the best way for us to help. You may use Edit>Edit Area to copy just this room to a new plan if you wish.

  10. @Alan -- Like Mick, that is an auto generated roof in my image.


    I did notice some odd white diamond shaped spaces in your walls -- maybe these are the cause of your issues?


    @Mick -- I keep the ridge an off color to make it easier to see, for me, and others when I post an image.
