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Everything posted by solver

  1. solver

    Support Posts

    All the Chief Architect products have issues with this -- not just decks one above the other, but rooms over porches, decks over rooms etc. Home Designer Pro allows you to modify program generated framing and create your own framing members as needed. Pro also lets you create a railing with posts and a beam. I'm not familiar with the capabilities of Architectural. You could get the trial for Architectural and try it.
  2. solver

    Support Posts

    My Terrain comment was not directed at you. I copy and paste that entire block when I see a new user, and forgot to delete it and make a proper comment on your question. Suite is limited when it comes to being able to automatically do this. Its been discussed before, and a forum search will likely turn up some useful info. You could make your own post from soffits as I've shown here, or from a Solid Shape found in the Library.
  3. A DXF is not useful. Make a copy of the plan and delete all the furniture, cars etc. You could just delete everything inside the exterior walls, including interior walls.
  4. It can't be open in Pro. You may zip it for faster up and downloads, but it's not required. Attach it just like an image.
  5. Posting your plan will help. I'm sure it's something simple, but just guessing without the plan.
  6. Turn off the sun and see how they look.
  7. Roof structures do not necessarily reflect the ceilings below. See if these articles help.
  8. May be Pro only then. I looked a bit more at you plan this morning, but got busy with other things and never posted. Go to the Attic level and use the Delete Current Floor command to delete it -- it will automatically rebuild itself. The program is bad about building automatic walls in the attic that cause problems later. You don't need a room above the garage, unless you do need a room over the garage. On the 2nd floor, delete the garage walls. The ones that are needed will immediately rebuild. I changed the back wall above the garage, and around the side, to match the rest of the exterior walls and the roof built cleanly. I may have fiddled with roof settings on some of the garage walls.
  9. I don't get the raised area over the stairs. Do suggest you set your default ceiling height for the 2nd floor and then Edit>Reset to Defaults to get everything reset. You will need to raise the office ceiling manually to get the roof up even with the higher part.
  10. You should be transferring a file named something like this Home_Designer_Pro- I think. That is for Pro 2015, 2014 may have used a different format.
  11. Anything where? The thumb drive, or the new laptop? Have you tried your Digital Locker?
  12. As long as you have the install media, a CD or a download accessible from the old system, it should work fine. Have you tried?
  13. The "Pro" solution is to draw the roof (or correct what the program has drawn) manually. The only reasonable way for someone else to see what you are doing is to post the plan, and with the trial, that's not possible. If you are serious about the software, consider buying it and spending the time to get up to speed within the 30 day return window. If it does not meet your needs, or you find it too complex etc, return it.
  14. Roofs build over rooms, the height is controlled by the ceiling height of the room. Draw what I have shown here. It's a single floor. Change the ceiling heights in the various rooms, and move the horizontal interior walls up and down. See how these changes affect the model.
  15. This looks much different than your sketch posted above. Should it? The sketch looks like 2 identical structures offset a bit. Is this what you are trying to model?
  16. You should post pictures of your model too. I just did this via Auto Build. There is one oops at the ridge on the near gable -- easily fixed via a manual edit.
  17. Pro does not have this option, at least Pro 2016 does not. I'd send this to support if you can. Use Edit>Edit Area to copy just this one structure to a new plan. Delete everything but walls floor and roof.
  18. solver

    Materials List

    Each cabinet in the plan has a Label, and the Materials List has a corresponding Label. The Materials List also has a Description for each item.
  19. What you are seeing are artifacts from unneeded attic walls. I only looked at this structure. Go the the attic level, turn on Reference Display, and you can see the walls and how they relate to what's below. I'll uncheck Auto Rebuild Attic Walls, go to the Attic level, and delete it. Set the tall wall in front of the car to show the lower part (under pony wall) to make it easy to align with the short wall to its left. Set these two walls to Through Wall at End.
  20. Check your default settings for the 2 floors. Edit>Reset to Defaults
  21. I'd be guessing without the plan. Post it and I'll take a look.
  22. It's the Adjust Material Definition tool.
  23. It's self explanatory -- give it a try.
  24. If you build a small deck to use as the landing, you could then edit the framing to be more what you need.