U shaped stairs with 3 winders to quarter landing


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I want to insert U shaped staiircase with winders within 1800mm wide entrance

The flight has a default width of 975mm and projects over the walls.





When changing the width to 900mm, it creates a gap in the middle and I cannot move left hand flight to right to close the gap.

The landing also becomes detached and trying to adjust it is very tedious and took me 2 hours to do it manually do it by joining multiple landings.



Is it possible to change the default settings of the staircase or the landing so its is the

correct width before you insert it.


Can you change the number of winders to 3

on each quarter landing?


Just upgraded to Pro thinking it would be easier but still lot of workarounds.


Thank you in advance.



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11 minutes ago, ChiefJeet said:

Is it possible to change the default settings of the staircase or the landing so its is the

correct width before you insert it.


Can you change the number of winders to 3

on each quarter landing?


No and no.



This may help, although I did it in Chief, I think Pro has the tools needed.




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Thank you David for your demonstration.

Convert Polyline to Landing helps.

Still very tedious as you demonstrated .

Can you explain why my upper flight on the left will not move to the right to close the gap between flights to zero as is the case in your demo.

Is it possible to lock these segments together so it could be saved and inserted again and again?

Is it possible to add these into the library so they can be inserted and modified?

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