Need Gable Fixed


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Using CA Homedesigner Pro 2018


I need help with this roof please!  My degree is in Interior Design (way back before we had CAD programs) and my hubby is a Contractor.  We just moved to TN and are going to build cabins.  I am NEW to Chief Architect, have watched the training videos and am stumbling my way through this program.  


Here is what I need...


The entire roof plane over the middle section of the house to be a FULL gable, 9/12 pitch and then the sides on each wing to come in at a 5/12 pitch.  The middle living area is a vaulted ceiling and the wings of the house are 9' ceilings.


I can't figure out how to do this without messing up the entire roof.  


We need to get a truss quote soon and I have to get this fixed!


Any help is greatly appreciated -- see pics below





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  On 3/1/2018 at 4:04 PM, Tlcurtis2a said:

I can't figure out how to do this without messing up the entire roof.  



You can't figure what out? How are you building this roof -- auto or manual? What specifically is the problem -- what needs to change to make the roof correct?


It's always good to attach your plan file as it can answer many questions.


Have you reviewed the help resources I linked in your previous thread? Read the Tutorial and Reference Manual found under help?


  On 3/1/2018 at 4:04 PM, Tlcurtis2a said:

NEW to Chief Architect



It's a bit confusing when someone references Chief Architect, as it's also the name of their flagship software. We often have people using Chief post here when they should be posting on ChiefTalk.



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We want a full gable over the middle section - my husband said it's wrong how the roof on the wings on each side are coming across the center.  He wants from the front door all the way to the back deck to be a full gable and then the wings to attach.  


I'm using Home Designer Pro 2018---I don't know what you mean by me being confusing saying "Chief Architect".  I thought that was who designed this program I'm using.  I'm a newbie...if you'll help me out with lingo and rules, I'll do my best to catch on.


I'm attaching plan file.  


Thank you in advance for your help.  


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Hi Tracey,

I took a quick look at the plans. There are several defaults that ought to be changed that might help.

1) All of the rooms have the 9' ceiling, so the program won't know that the middle area is a higher ceiling.

2) Your default pitch says 8, yet when I turn on roof labels, some of it shows 10. I am thinking you manually changed some/

3) In the room labels, use what the program has for default names, then change the description as you did. It will help put the correct finishes when you pick materials for the rooms.

A couple of design items that maybe should be changed, yet work on the roof for now. I hope this helps a little?

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  On 3/1/2018 at 4:38 PM, Tlcurtis2a said:

We want a full gable over the middle section - my husband said it's wrong how the roof on the wings on each side are coming across the center.  He wants from the front door all the way to the back deck to be a full gable and then the wings to attach.  



A gable refers to a wall, or where a wall might be. Your door, for example, has a gable wall above it.


What you have is generally referred to a cross gable roof.


What I think you are trying to describe is how you want the RIDGE line to run. In the image, I've marked your two ridge lines in red and green.


You want the red ridge higher than the green?


Tip: Use a screen capture tool to capture your images instead of a camera.




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FIRST: You have a rogue rail wall out in front right of house/zoom (3d) to find and delete.


Your roof has big problems...because you moved the house.

Back to basics:  Open the build roof dialog, and check 'auto build roof', and set the pitch to 9".

Your roof probably now appears next to the house.  On the toolbar, 'edit area / all floors'. Draw the edit box around the roof planes and hit 'delete'.

The roof should now be on the house, however all the pitches are set to 9".  SO..hold down the ctrl key and select all 4 eave walls of the 'wings' (front left & right / back left & right).

Hit ctrl + e to open the dialog, and then the 'roof' tab, and change the pitch to 5".

Does the roof look more like you are wanting?

Now you need to change the 'shape' and size of the big windows, to re-accommodate the roof.

You will also need to 'right click' each wing window and re-add the 'gable over window' roof feature.


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