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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Each video is marked as to what software title it applies to or not. No video generally fits all possible titles. DJP
  2. You NEVER - NEVER - NEVER EVER should rotate the model to "fit" terrain, rather you fit the terrain to the structure in HD Pro always. DJP
  3. If your plan already contains HD Pro walls, windows, doors and roofs, then you should open "Display Options" and check "Lock" for all visible layers. When you import an AutoCAD .dwg, it will be found on the "CAD , Default" layer. When you temporarily "lock" layers they then become un-selectable. The point is to lock the layers of your structure FIRST before trying to "marquee select" and then rotate-move it to its proper orientation to what you have already created. Once you have the .dwg properly located, then lock the "CAD, Default" layer and unlock the layers of your existing structure to then continue with what your imported it for. DJP
  4. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Customizing+materials+in+Chief+Architect this link will introduce you to some You Tube videos on customizing materials. DJP
  5. When I work with Engineers I just share my floor plans and elevations in AutoCAD .dwg format and then let them adjudicate what they are licensed to do from that. A competent framer or Builder does not need advice on how to frame a building as well (if they need detailed plans I would not trust them to build anything). DJP
  6. Look at Eric's image: he added a porch using invisible walls and THAT is how he got more roof that you did. DJP
  7. No matter your opinions about overhang, THIS software requires at least some so that fascia will then appear and the wall below the roof eave will be properly cut off. Any software is pre-programmed with certain limitations and this is one of them. You can always annotate plans to state that no overhang is to be created but I am saying that this software has that limitation and one must deal with it as it is and not how it might be or should be, it is what it is and does what it does and that is it. DJP
  8. Roofs must have some overhang (see the definition of the term " Overhang"), no overhang equals no fascia DJP
  9. I disagree with Eric on this. What I would do using Pro or Chief Premier is to use a 3 or four inch thick cabinet for the front of the odd shaped cabinet and then cover the top with a custom countertop. In any case the actual cabinet will have to be custom made in the field just as in your software. DJP
  10. IF and only if "Auto Rebuild Roofs" is checked "ON" in the Build Roof Dialog will the roof planes react to changes to the Ceiling Height setting in the Room Specification Dialog. With Auto Build Roofs "OFF" the roof planes stay were they were while the ceiling raises or lowers, causing no effect on the location of the roof planes That is why only changing the ceiling height did not effect the roof planes. Otherwise you would have to manually raise or lower the roof planes when you change the ceiling height of a room. DJP
  11. "Chief" is not doing this, your video card IS, you can try to update its software drivers but if that does not work, look at a video card upgrade as your solution like Jo_Ann said. DJP
  12. Yes, PROVIDED THE CHIEF ARCHITECT USER MANUALLY PROGRAMS THE FILE FOR USE IN HOME DESIGNER SOFTWARE TITLES BEFORE SHARING IT WITH YOU. The command, in Chief is found in "General Plan Defaults - Allow editing in Home Designer Software" Check box before sharing with you. DJP
  13. What you are showing in your posted image is not a sloped wall, rather it is the underside of a roof plane or planes. If the slope is wrong, then the roof pitch is also wrong or its baseline is too low or high. That is what is creating the coffered ceiling, not a wall. DJP
  14. Post a photo of the existing structure or one like it so those who would help you can better understand exactly in detail exactly that the geometric problem is please. DJP
  15. You draw the porch area using railing walls set to invisible. Once you have a room specification dialog box for that area you uncheck "Flat Ceiling over this room" on the structure tab (that removes the default flat ceiling over the space. Then mark the outer wall to have a "Gable Roof" over the space in the Roof tab of the Wall specification dialog box. Then build roofs and your existing gable will be extended over the Covered Porch room. The beams and posts you will have to add manually. DJP
  16. DavidJPotter

    Roof help

    With Architectural one MUST be VERY precise with one's "Wall specification dialog - Roof Tab" settings, to do otherwise will just continue to frustrate your plans and desires. The basic settings are laid out in your "Build Roof Dialog - Roof Styles" tab. Practice getting those right in simple test plans before you inflict them on your main plan file please. DJP
  17. DavidJPotter

    Roof help

    https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=all&q=1+1%2F2+story&page=1 Take a look at these articles and videos please. DJP
  18. If you used the "Straight Sidewalk or Straight Driveway" well those are not editable using the "Break Line" tool, only the "Polyline" driveway or sidewalk can be easily edited using the "Break Line" and "Line to Arc" tools, try that please. DJP
  19. Take a look at some of these please: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/search/?default_tab=all&q=scaling+an+image DJP
  20. DavidJPotter


    Yes, sorry. Chief Premier has schedules but no Home Designer software does. Such a schedule would have to created manually. DJP
  21. Using a "Standard Render" camera it is designed by Default to only include the light sources in the Room in which its viewpoint is located. Light sources in other rooms than the viewpoint room are excluded. Using the Physically Based Render camera includes all visible light sources. Take a look with this new information and see if that explains what you are seeing please. DJP
  22. No, been using the software since 1994 and I have never seen this happen. Makes me wonder what EXACTLY you ARE doing to cause this! DJP
  23. Use "Edit - Edit Area All Floors" command AFTER you first establish a current point at zero Y - Zero X, then once All Floors are selected you use the "Point to Point" move tool to finish the matter. Done properly with the correct command and set up it should be easy to do and in the future, establish your Zero X - Zero Y point to start your new project in plan view. DJP
  24. That is called "Z-Fighting" caused by a poor or insufficient video card or its drivers being out of date. Such a condition is exacerbated by creating ones structure too far away from the "0 x - 0Y" location in your plan view. When I start a new plan I always create a "Current Point" at 0-0 where I start a corner of my structure. This lessons the "z Fighting" unwanted phenomena. DJP