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Everything posted by solver

  1. See the attached image. Uncheck "Floor Supplied by Foundation Room Below" for all the problem rooms.
  2. Never mind. Tried using Chrome and it worked.
  3. I tried using standard roof tools and was able to get a very flat hip roof over the family room, but not the bedroom. I suspect using invisible walls and splitting others will get you close. I started by turning off roofs for the flat roofed portion. Are you just looking for a representation of the house, or is it important that it be as accurate as possible?
  4. Link to plan file not working. Just get a blank page.
  5. When using a Room Divider, it will often convert itself to an Invisible Wall. Any way to keep this from happening? Image 2 is a larger view of the area shown in image 1.
  6. Needed something to define the room, did not need a rail, so I chose an invisible wall. I had also tried a railing set to invisible, and here is what it looks like.
  7. Click "More Reply Options" which will give you the option of attaching a file.
  8. Was able to use the roof tools in Pro, but don't think Suite has this option.
  9. What specifically are you having trouble with?
  10. Posting your plan would make it easier for others to help.
  11. "Open Below" is a room type set in the Room Specification dialog. It's below Office in the list. It is used for stairwells, and other 2 story spaces.
  12. Check your Room Specifications > Structure, and make sure settings are the same in all rooms. Second floor make sure rooms are defined and not Open Below.
  13. See the image. Room Divider (invisible wall) showing. How to make it invisible or not extend down?
  14. You may copy your plan and then paste into a new plan created with a different template. You will loose some information, like room definitions. I have made the suggestion that it should be easy to apply a style to any plan changing the look of various things.
  15. Right click on your soffit after you have applied your materials. You are saving the modified soffit to the library.
  16. Once you apply your chosen material to a section of soffit, you may save that soffit to your Library (right click - add to Library). Then it is available to use as you would a normal soffit, only with your material already applied. Also, once a material is selected in the library browser, it is available to apply, so a click in the library browser, then a click on the surface to apply.
  17. solver

    split level doorway

    Image shows a door placed where it opens between 2 floors. I added the door and positioned it (control-drag) where I wanted it in a 3D view. Initial placement has to be on one floor or the other, but then you may move it wherever you like.
  18. The answer is in your description. Different pitch for each side of the gable. Change the pitch in the wall specification dialog for the wall the roof plane is resting on to match your roof. I'd also call your vertex a ridge.
  19. Feel free to post your revised plan. I'll be happy to take a look.
  20. solver

    Walls Along Stairs

    There is a "Follow Stairs" check box, but it seems to be grayed out by default which is why I missed it (image 1). Follow Stairs shows checked in the image, but only because I had already checked it. It would not be checked if starting from scratch. The "Specify Railing" check box is checked, but if you uncheck it, then check it, the entire "Build From" area, including the "Follow Stairs" check box becomes available (image 2). You can then check it, and the wall, or railing will follow the slope of the stairs. Notice in image 3, how the lower part of the wall follows up one way (after breaking the wall), and the upper part follows in the opposite direction. I created the center wall on the first floor, and the "Follow Stairs" option caused it to extend into the 2nd floor space. -- Eric
  21. Both Mick and I show a second floor using your plan, so I don't believe it is a problem with walls. I'm a new user and don't have any ideas on how to get the floor back. -- Eric
  22. Also, if you look close at the wall between the master bath and closet, you will see that it isn't straight. -- Eric
  23. Click on the stairs and then on the Auto Stairwell Tool. The error message tells you what is needed. Go up one level and see there are railings that have been built (image 1). The railing needs to be manually connected to the left wall (image 2). I am guessing because the upper and lower walls are not aligned. Now you have completed the connection and made a room. Change type to Open Below. See image 3. Arn't stairs fun -- Eric