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  3. Hello @ChiefUserTom7, VR was added to the 2024 version of the Home Designer products. It's available in Suite, Architectural, and Pro. More information on configuring VR can be found in this Knowledge Base article: I hope this helps!
  4. Use Cambria's newest surfaces in your designs - update your catalog today! Learn more about Cambria and their products:
  5. none i went digging for furniture too nothing
  6. I am also looking for a round top cabinet, When i purchased this software in 2021 we had access to cabinet manufacture , the promoted this as interior design. I'm not sure what Interior Design means to Chief Architect anymore because in order to get my license I had to pay a lot of school loans and work for cheap under an architect for 4 years. Not to mention take an state test. GUESS WHAT KITCHEN IS PART OF IT! I'm let down that they took that access away and I keep seeing on the threads that chief premier is 199$ a month , that is not true its $230 a month! and I already purchased Home Designer for 2K. I'm so let down. I just to have the resources to learn sketchup up or another software from scratch.
  7. I do not see what you are discussing? If walls do not line up check wall thickness as normally program tries to line up studs. or you should line up studs. If not drag them in plan view and use snaps to align studs (main layer) Also you can select stairs and open edit dialogue and turn off handrails against a wall or least turn of balusters etc you need to play more with software to see what it can and cannot do along with click that help button
  8. Enjoyed your design! You put a lot of work and thoughtful planning into your layout and detailing. Excellent job.
  9. Last week
  10. Hello, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, when i create a staircase in the foundation level to the main floor level and it touches an exterior foundation wall, my walls don't line up on the interior.
  11. Thank you Rookie65. That answer helps greatly.
  12. Jo_Ann gave you the answer, yet you were so focused on telling everyone she hurt your feelings that you missed it. This is definitely not a dormer. Try using the deck railing, yet call the room a patio with a roof, no ceiling above. That should put your patio on grade. Then select the railing, set style as post to beam on the sides and invisible on the front railing. Change your newel post and beam (under rails) to the size you want. If you have auto build roof on, it may give you the look you want. Or read the reference guide about manual roof if need be. Check the fascia height to match them if it doesn't align then automatically. The reference guide will also help you with completing your signature, and many other things. Then you won't have to wait for someone to help you with each question. Good luck!
  13. Thank you so much Jo_Ann for spending the time to post something negative rather than simply help me better understand what I believe I made perfectly clear I need help with, whether I got the terminology correct or not. It seems to me that if everyone knew everything there is to know about home design and this software, there would be no need for this forum or any questions. But I see hundreds of questions being asked by folks like me that obviously aren't as polished at this as you are. Maybe you should consider letting folks that truly want to help people like me just learning the software rather than making comments that help no one. For anyone else out there that may be willing to help, when I logged in to this forum earlier, I did not see or was not prompted to fill out a "signature". I can look at that later but I did mention in my original post that I am using Home Designer Pro. I just made the purchase so it's 2025. I first tried adding this as a porch. I read through some of the knowledge base content and it instructed me to lay out the porch using "railing and deck>straight railing". What I could not figure out was how to get the windows in the gable end to be set back at the same plane as the front of the house. By default it puts the gable end windows (not shown yet) out at the front of the porch, where as I want the porch completely open. This is why a switched gears and tried to manipulate one of the dormers to create this look, but having no luck there either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  14. You need to learn some terminology, when you ask questions. I see NO dormer in the pic posted, only a gabled porch with no ceiling. ALSO, you need to fill out your signature, so that anyone trying to help, will always know which program (AND it's version) you are using.
  15. Brand new to the software and working on my first home design in HD Pro. Honestly, I'm having issues with a couple things but I'll limit this post to dormers. I'm tying to draw what I call a floating/fake dormer where the dormer face is flush with the front of the house (not the front of the dormer) and the gable roof line extends down to the soffits and out to cover the front porch (like shown in the attachment). It may also be worth noting that the ceiling will be vaulted in the center of the home where the dormer is located. I've tried to manipulate the program in every way I could think of with no success so far. Has anyone dealt with this type design and would you have any advice to share? Thanks.
  16. Thanks Conner. After searching, I found the adjust material tool and was able to determine RBG on my particular drywall color to be 186179161 which I was able to match up with Sherwin Williams paint code. Appreciate your help.
  17. Hey there, You can select the material using the Adjust Material Tool which will open the Define Material dialog. Then, select the Material Color button which will give you the RGB value you're looking for. If you used the Default Style when creating your plan and haven't modified the drywall material at all, then the color is RGB(239, 233, 218) which is Hex #EFE9DA Best, Connor
  18. I happen to like the default color that Home designer uses for drywall. I want to use and need the color in Sherwin Williams paint. I can't locate any color definition for stock "drywall" on the site. See attached. The upper wall and ceiling color is what I am seeking spec on. The lower walls are SW Alibaster Any ideas? I don't really want to go thru color palette trying to find a match. **** McCord Home Designer Pro 2024
  19. IdahoJaci

    Too Much Stuff

    I have to say. It was a slow start and I am thankful I don't have to get into the nit and gritty part. I thought with 15 years in construction (all in the office and customer service), building shed and garages that I'd be familiar enough with terminology and basic understanding how buildings are put together, but it wasn't that easy. Maybe because very little of that was done on computers and fairly straight forward. But, I'm happy to say I've finished the plans for our remodel, even with gable roof lines intersecting. I only have one thing I have not been able to find an answer for. But that is on another post. Next week we start pricing it out and meeting with our contractor....
  20. I know it is me or something I have done incorrectly, but I am doing a deck and trying to decide if I like (and can afford) a full wall of rock or just the pony wall. First, I built these walls and changed things a few times, so it is likely an error I have brought forth. I ran the materials list and everything looks correct except some are 3" thick and some are 1/2". I'm trying to identify why the difference. The one thing that is curious is when I look to find the location on my plan, some of them indicate the open ends of the deck where there is no rock. I'm confused. I'm guessing all of this is my not understanding how the program is actually describing it. But, it does make it hard for me to know if I order 700 or 800 or 1400 sq ft of the rock. Thanks for any guidance you can offer. Jaci Home Designer PRO 2025 full Rock Entry Rock
  21. SKorte

    Too Much Stuff

    Time and use. I’ve been doing CAD for twenty years but learning the Chief Architect way can be challenging. A lot isn’t intuitive or is hidden so watching Chief videos and a couple of other peoples channels as really helped.
  22. I have found that it is all manual whereas I just watched a video of Chief Architect and it has ann Auto Detail button.
  23. What happened to the support for x10 with this library?
  24. Earlier
  25. Thank you to both of you. I truly appreciate the help.
  26. Try custom countertop but set top @ 1/16. OR slab etc. Secret is the height above floor should be 1/16" or less but above 0 so you can see it. Then change material to whatever border tile you want. They have to have some video or help thing about this one
  27. How is this company still viable given all the paywalls to basic tools and function? CA should just sell their best and most complete product, rather than pelt users with basic functionality paywalls, costly upgrades, and needed library add-ons. Creates so much ill-will, I wish I'd never started with them.
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