Build Framing questions


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HD Pro sometimes builds attic walls where there is no wall below. E.g. in the uploaded model, it builds a sloped attic wall above where the staircase is supposed to be, even though I have deleted the walls defining the stairwell and even the stairs! Open a full framing overview, delete those framing members, then "build wall framing" and that wall will re-appear.


Also, when building roof framing, it builds the top plates for one side of the gable walls, but not the other.


I suspect I'm again making some simple mistake - all guidance appreciated!



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If you are asking about the framing I've colored in red, it appears to be an artifact. 


The program often builds attic walls as the model is being developed, but does not remove them when not needed.


I frequently use Delete Current Floor at the attic level to clean these up. The attic walls that are needed will rebuild automatically.



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Good to know this happens to others. I've gone the the process of deleting the walls at the attic level, then build framing, and this wall comes back. I'll try Delete Current Floor.


Any ideas on the missing top plates on one side of the roof plane?

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Home Designer and Chief Architect software is a preprogrammed mechanical aid to help you 3D model and create construction documents and details using its tools. It is not a carpenter, a builder or engineer. It is a mechanical device to help you. It is you who must guide it to acceptable results. It does not think or have intuitive qualities/ It only follows settings after which it is you who must then, step in and manually edit what the presets provided. 



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