Some objects round to nearest 1/16"


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In HD Pro 2017, I noticed that certain objects like Shapes>Box>Closed and Soffits always round their dimensions to the nearest 1/16" (0.0625"). This happens when you either manually edit the dimensions or resize with the mouse.


Other objects, like CAD Boxes and Slabs do not do this, and can have any arbitrary dimensions.


Is the 1/16" rounding something I can control? I've looked at all of the snap/grid settings I am aware of but nothing seems to have any effect on it.



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I double checked that, and I have my accuracy set to 3 decimal places. It's not that the dimensions are rounding, but rather when I resize certain objects they won't move at first, and then they'll extend by 1/16", and then they only extend in 1/16" increments. I checked that grid snap was off too. I'm at a loss.


As a simple test, in a new plan, I cannot create a Shapes>Boxes>Closed with edges of 1.621". After I click OK, if I go back they're set to 1.625".


I just want to know if that precision is possible for those objects, and if so, why my installation is snapping.



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