Terrain Question


Go to solution Solved by dbneil4056,

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I created a plot plan/terrain under a separate file. Is there a way to copy the plot plan and paste it into the my home design?

Yes, but you are better served to create the terrain inside the plan file that you also have created your structure. It is often asked if one turns the structure to fit or orient to the terrain, this is a bad idea and leads to other unwanted and hard to handle problems. You always orient the terrain to the structure, leaving it in the plan view "North is upscreen" orientation, the terrain and elevation objects are rotated as necessary in relation to the structure, a magnetic North Pointer can be added to point at any angle necessary to indicate true magnetic North in relation to the structure.

When you copy paste terrain elevation data and a terrain plane, it must be reconverted (after being copied) into a Terrain Plane in the new plan file. In my opinion it is a waste of time and merely makes it easier to allow mistakes to enter into the process.

You can and I am sure you will do as you think best, I am merely sharing my opinion based upon using this software since 1994, you are free to find out for yourself what is and is not workable.


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DJP means North is UPscreen orientation  ( not unscreen )  in other words the top of the screen is always North in HD unless you add a North pointer.





        W -  + - E



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Thanks for your help.


I was practicing with the separate file for the site plan. It ended up nice, so was hoping that I could easily transfer. After reading reply from David Potter, I'll take his advice repeat the steps inside the working plan.

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