Best way to paint feature walls?


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I have been using a combnation of "room divider" and soffits that are 1/16" thick to enable me to paint a feature wall a different color.  The room divider option is the fastest but it's not always applicable.


I am finding myself mostly using the soffit method.  It's tedious because you have to work around windows and doors or else it covers part of those, so on a wall with a doorway and a window you end up having to create like 6 different soffits.

Is there a better and/or more efficient way to paint a feature wall?  By "feature", I mean a room where one of the walls is a different color from all the other walls in that room.


Would the "custom backsplash" work?

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You would think that would work (specifying it within the properties of the wall), but it does not (at least not for me).  It appears the color specified for the whole room is overriding anything I choose within the wall properties DBX.  Even if I reset the room back to "drywall" it still won't show the color I pick in wall properties DBX.


I just can't imagine I am the only person out there who is trying to paint feature/accent walls.

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Just a followup, it looks like if you have a feature/accent wall with a doorway and you "paint" that wall using the custom backsplash tool, and then later on move the doorway left/right along that wall, the newly-exposed wall surface (i.e. where the doorway used to be) does NOT automatically get the color that you set in the backsplash.  I am pretty sure this is a bug in the program.


The workaround is to just shrink the custom backsplash so that it's small enough to not overlap any portion of the doorway or the newly-exposed wall area, then enlarge it back to its original full-wall width.

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Lot of these kind of questions are answered in the KnowledgeBase (KB) , lots of good Tutorials and FAQ's there including painting one wall


Your issue with the Wall DBX maybe related to how or if you Painted the Room before trying to change one Wall but not sure without a plan.


if you think you found a bug make sure you report it to TS , as they don't check the Forum for Bug reports, so it wont get fixed otherwise.

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