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Everything posted by y-g-m-n

  1. no add some crown inside the tray for a fancy look.
  2. not sure if it will work but might if you set the material for whatever you added to door to look like hole OPENING (NO MATERIAL) under HOME DESIGNER CORE CATALOGS MATERIALS INSULATION Not sure it will work but easy enough to try
  3. from what software into which version HD?
  4. This is how I do it. You draw the inner edge of tray ceiling with the room divider line (under BUILD). This creates 2 rooms - The larger inside tray room - Click on this room and ensure ceiling set to your 10ft. Then the outer "ring" room is your lower ceiling height room - Click on it and in structure tab set ceiling height to whatever you want that is less then 10ft be it 9ft or 8ft-10" but basically the height would be your 10ft ceiling less the vertical dim of this tray. Crown molding works in either room so you can insert crown inside tray and not on outside or both have crown or only th shorter outside area has crown. Play with it. Hell I made it once out of wall cabinet once I just turned into boxes Many ways to make tray ceiling and depends on framing crew as such there are many ways to draw them. As for the lines you see using soffits that is just freak of software in that in plan view it does not "JOIN" the soffit to remove those lines. Nothing to worry about in 3d views nor plan. If you want it better Join the soffits at the inside corners not the outside wall corners as it may look better to you that way.
  5. what software you using? upload your plan to see how you define the rooms which means we can check your structure settings etc
  6. some of the manufacturers of it have 1 or 2 varieties - Cannot remember which but yo get choice like 6" or 9"spacing I forget actual numbers but remember seeing it. Or make it MANUALLY. Put up panels as wall exterior then either add custom backsplash or 3d shapes or any object you can adjust dims ad slap it on the side you like. lots of work as you are installing each one but for small areas you want exact it is a great way to get what you want.
  7. just search board and batten as there are many of them in library from the basic HD library to manufacturers.
  8. not that I know of. I have similar issue as I am constantly typing AutoCAD commands, right clicking etc. Then I have issues using commands from Solidworks and Inventor; as I use those for work as well along with some specialized ones for special 3d designs. I get brain cramps
  9. do you have them set to view under display options?
  10. Uncheck (turn off) WALL, MAIN LAYER ONLY. IT over-rides other wall viewing settings.
  11. I think under default settings CAD or something like that not under walls, but under something that covers everything in sub menu like dims for items placed in mode, doors, windows, furniture, etc Dig and you will find it and other things of interest I bet
  12. For first issue maybe remove HD2025 and then download and install again? FOr your second issue when the error pops up about missing files - you need to redirect it to the new file you moved as it probably is looking in the wrong place. PIA when you have a bunch of them
  13. practice is how you learn start with simple square house hip and gable roofs. Then learn how to add dormers int he various methods software gives you. Then start getting complicated - learn manual roof planes and how to edit roofplanes. If yo uhave less then PRO not much you can learn as it is all automated which I find tedious since you have to figure out work arounds when it would be simpler to just edit roof planes manually
  14. not sure what version you are using... but in 2025 pro.. Click on wall and thenc lick edit icon thingy.. Then go to wall type and in middle of page is PONY Wall check box.. CLick it and the lower wall portion allows you to edit it now.. SO edit upper and lower and click done
  15. what is the ceiling height set to for the room? HOw did you make the posts?
  16. because you do not download from this post. YOu go to catalog download site: Chief Architect 3D Library Which is a link from theHD home page (not forums) under heading USER center whic a whole bunch of other interesting things are to help users.
  17. y-g-m-n

    Brick Ledge

    yeah it sucks HD users cannot adjust brick ledge for depth and width as it can dictate patio and porch slab heights
  18. based on that you can use 3d shape for rugs and set thickness to say 3/8" or 1/2" and chang the material to whatever you like for it to look like and guess what it is FREE.
  19. Never seen elliptical stairs always squared or just spiral... I bet they look interesting. good luck with home and plans
  20. Small Question not germane to your drawing issue but I am curious How will this get built? And is this design comfortable to use and practical for getting to next floor? It is Interesting but as I have found if something is hard to draw it can be even harder to build and impractical. Also not sure it would be a comfortable climb since it is elliptical. Each tread depth is different and well if you have ever walked up funky stairs with different tread depth; I find it uncomfortable and I look for handrail to keep from falling. If this was my house I would try to test this out before I committed to this design. I am sure it will be pretty, especially if make from some fine wood but I dunno.. Just curious if you have thought this thru.
  21. How will this floor and roof be framed? (not what the program thinks but what your framing crew will do.) Never seen rafters sitting on floor joists as their spacing and start points are different. Try the option of hanging second floor on wall OR cheat program by setting 2nd floor ceiling height to is 3" (2 top plates on top of joists) and uncheck FLAT CEILING OVER room so it vaults ceiling using underside of rafters.
  22. copy terrain into house plan? Can terrain be combined into Arch Block and then saved to library and then you can insert it into any plan like a library item. Then explode it back from block into pars.
  23. what are variables of room structure below? looks like ceiling plane for room below that has flat roof turned off so it is trying o put ceiling under the next roof plane and parallel to it.