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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. There are numerous users of Chief Architect Premier in Michigan but you will have to post your query on Chief Talk to reach them. DJP
  2. Each named camera type has it's own "Display Options" dialog and so roofs can be off for back clipped views and on for cross section views, there is a separate Display Options for plan views. DJP
  3. I did a You Tube video on how to do this, basically you are just creating a blank second floor and then draw a tiny room on that black second floor that then emulates a coupla. The only other way to do this is by way of using a coubla symbol. End of story. When you do not have Home Designer Pro with its manual roof tools, it is harder to do because of the preciseness of settings and procedure to accomplsih this by settings alone but can be done in any Home Designer title. DJP
  4. The software (all versions and titles) are programmed to align walls based upon the "main" or structural layer (the layer that bares the structural loading of a wall). So when the floors of two or more floors do not by default align, it is your job to manually align them wall by wall, floor to floor. The makers of the software have done a great job of this in MOST applications but where the walls do not naturally align, it is your job to make them aligned. DJP
  5. Kbird has the right idea in terms of Home Designer Pro (Chief Premier X6 can manually fix that sort of thing but Pro does not have the additional tools for that job, so I agree with Kbird to see if you can fix the simbol in Sketch Up before import to Pro). DJP
  6. There are six or seven different software titles in the current version of Home Designer software line and there are seven or so versions still in use, so until you state also what software you have as part of your question, no one can answer it with certainty. DJP
  7. In order to open a ".plan" file you must have HD Pro 2014 installed on the other divice. If you want merely to share views of a plan, I commonly print views to PDF using "CutePDF" and then anyone who has Adobe Acrobat Reader can then view the file and print the PDF to paper at scale if you like. I think that printing to PDF is the easiest way to share views. DJP