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About DavidJPotter

  • Birthday 03/24/1947

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    Austin, Texas
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  1. I was given a 2008 version of Home Designer,  version 8.4.0 which I just recently installed.  I have drawn up a house plan, which, at the moment consists of the rooms of a house and now have decided that I want to mirror or reverse the floor plan. Under TOOLS there is a feature to REVERSE PLAN however it does it about the vertical axis and I want to mirror it about the horizontal axis.  I could use the vertical axis feature if I could then rotate it CCW 90 deg but don't see this feature also.  Is there any way to accomplish this?


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    2. artlaf


      Looking up "Half-Wall" in the tutorial says to use Build-Wall-Straight Railing.  I got it good enough to be representative.

      So I have a question regarding stairs.  I have the first floor pretty well laid out.  I have a basement that is completely open at the moment.  I want to create a stairway with a landing.  The construction of a stairway says you need to start from the lower floor to the upper floor.  I have a location for a stairway entrance on the first floor, however, I have no reference point on the basement from which to start so that it connects where I want it on the first floor.

    3. DavidJPotter


      That is what the "Reference Display" tool is for so you can see one floor highlighted in "red" from another. Look that up as well.



    4. artlaf


      Okay, that worked nicely as far as seeing an overlay of the first floor onto the basement plan.  However, I am having trouble creating the stairs as I would like.  I want the stairs to enter the first floor in the space I created for them.  It is show between the half bath and the kitchen storage.  It looks like an open space with walls but I intended it to be the stairwell.  So when I start drawing the stairs in the basement view I start below the kitchen storage area and draw the first set from right to left.  Then I draw the next set perpendicular to these between what I intended to be the stairwell exiting on the first floor.  I then create the landing and click "make reach" to break through the first floor.  When I look at it in camera view nothing shows.  Additionally, I would like the majority of the stairs to go from the first floor to the landing, then fewer stairs to the basement floor.  I have tried multiple times and can't figure out what I am doing wrong.  Attached is the plan.

      Home Plan 1 - RT-14 Lot-Reversed (3)_auto_save.plan

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