Ideas for stairway and hallway?


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Hi all,

I'm hoping some of the incredibly imaginative minds here can help. Currently designing our home and have pretty much all aspects we want locked in...except for the stairway placement and how it'll affect the downstairs hall and upstairs landing.

Below are the plans for upstairs and ground floor. The upstairs "hallway" is lounge/sitting room area that is open to and overlooks the living room below. We'd like to not have the stairs land in the middle of this room but also want to keep the hallway that runs behind the stairs downstairs.

Also attached the two stairways we had in mind...we love both but they may not be feasible?

Does anyone have any suggestions? We're open to all ideas and even putting the stairs somewhere else. I realise its a tough ask but hoping some of the bright minds here can help :)

Thanks in advance for any advice





stairs 1.jpeg

stairs 2.jpeg

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My suggestion is to slide the stairs to the left, into the corner where the utility and living room meet. Get rid of the doors that go into the utility and en-suite on that wall side. Depending on your rise/run of the stairs, you may be able to add a step to the lower section, and delete from the upper section to keep it from extending beyond the 2nd floor wall on the bedroom side of the en-suite. Could possibly narrow the entry way into the living room to pick up some stair room. Both hallways have a lot of extra space that could be better utilized with expanded rooms. Just my 2 cents on it. Please fill out your signature so we all know which version and year of the software you are using.

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where are the bedroom closets?

From my learnings - it is not a bedroom if it does not have an escape window nor a closet.

So if you add closets might need to increase footprint and then you can better plan for the stairs.


I mean I would figure out stairs before I did other rooms since it takes up space and interacts with 2 levels.



if you leave everything as is I would make U stairs in upper left corner as above poster suggested.

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