Incorporate two designs


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Previously I've drawn and modeled our home for some old remodeling projects.  We are now in the process of designing a garage which will only connect to the main house via a breezeway.  Since the garage will function as a detached space is there a way to create an object block or architectural block or something similar of the old house that I can add into the drawing of the garage?

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If you're just looking for it as a "placeholder", draw whatever you think you need to convey where the breezeway will attach to the house.Or, if you have the house plan in a PDF format, you could import into your garage plan and just trace over the pertinent areas

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Why do you ask?


14 hours ago, kstutz04 said:

Previously I've drawn and modeled our home for some old remodeling projects


Why not use that plan and add the garage and breezeway?


And it's always important to say what software (like Pro 2020) you are using as answers/suggestions often depend on it.

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