Fix Roof Framing, For Unfinished Attic over Porch?


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I've got a Ballon Frame cabin designed that looks fine, but...when I added a porch overhang to the front door area I somehow messed up the roof structure. The Roof Frame image shows the framing perspective...which shows the roof rafters. The Attic Roof image shows the framing, but is missing the roof framing over the porch and bottom left of the roof. The First Floor image has the missing roof framing. 


When I built the porch it originally didn't have any roof over it, and the roof plane over the cabin showed properly in the roof plane. When I extended that part of the roof over the patios, and added the beam and posts to support it, that section of the roof apparently moved to the "first floor". I didn't really care as it all looked correct in the 3d framing perspective, But now that I'm sending the different framing layers to layouts, I'm seeing the Attic and First Floor as shown in the images.


So I apparently screwed things up when I extended the roof over the front patio, which is causing the problem. So, how to I fix this? I've tried rebuilding the roof framing. Didn't fix anything. I don't see anyway to manually send that part of the roof (showing in First Floor) to the actual roof layer. Any ideas?


Attic Roof.png

First Floor.png

Roof Frame.png

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So, not sure how I can grab/select the "roof plain"? Sometimes I can click and it will select the desired area, but most of the time it only selects a rafter or the room. As I see it logically I have a north side roof plain (top of image), and a left south and a right south plan (bottom left and right). But I am unable to select any of them to delete or drag around...What's the trick?

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OK, I think I got it...I had to completely rebuild the roof. Doing that removed the roof over the porch. I was then able to select the "short" roof edge and pull it down over the porch area. I now need to add a beam and extend the posts for that area so the new roof line is sitting on the beam, but that shouldn't be to difficult. Awesome!

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you can always use railing to define an exterior PORCH "ROOM".


SO add in railing walls to define a porch space that lines up with existing exterior walls.



Then you need to edit this railing wall by drawing and then clicking OPEN to EDIT.


Set Railing to OPEN


Set START & END posts how you want them for each porch "wall" so against house you may want NO POST or HALF or FULL your choice.


Next to the NEWEL/BALUSTERS tab

here you pick your COLUMN and set Dims in plan view, offset from Wall & spacing max



Here you can set dims of beam and its offset.


Then if you enclose the space with these walls attached to house exterior walls you created a new room.


OPEN room and set floor height and roof type etc.

Then roof should be fine if you auto rebuild.


TIP: When drawing set wall type to be whatever your external wall is - it will not use this wall but in plan view it uses it so you can ensure you line up the FAKE studs with your normal cabin external walls so the roof draws properly since roofs are done from the "MAIN LAYER" outer edge of upper most top plate outer corner.

so you want them to be colinear and same height.


PLAY with it and practice and it will come to you once you see what changing something in those EDIT screens does.

I find railing pretty powerful since you can make solid panels for glass walls in showers that do not go to ceiling etc.



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