Download catalogs


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I was looking for additional catalogs for paint colors. Specifically, I wanted to download Behr & Sherwood. When I looked at the available catalogs for my program version, it didn't give me the option to download additional paint. Is this correct or did I miss something? 

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That seems to be correct, if you want to be sure, you can contact Chief Architect Inc Sales to get direct, correct information or you can download a paint color image from the Behr website and then import that into Essentials, user library in the library Browser as a custom material and then use that as you like.


I am also sorry to report that Essentials is the ONLY title that does not have the ability to import custom materials as above ( see this article in the Knowledge Base ), so you can upgrade and then do the above or just get as close as possible within the tools that you paid for.



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Thanks for the feedback. If I upgrade to Home Designer Professional will that have any effect on the plan I started in Essential. I have decided to get the best experience out of my new hobby, it would be best to upgrade to Professional.

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