Ceiling not created in bay window


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I think Tech Support is your best bet for finding out "why" this occurred, all I did was find a workaround. New users often guess too much and get settings and defaults wrongly set making it hard to figure out, after the fact, exactly what is "wrong". In any case, I  hope this helps in some way.



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  • 4 years later...
On 11/22/2017 at 12:39 AM, DSKray said:

I created a bay window but HD Pro did not generate a ceiling in that part of the room.  Is there a way to generate a bay window area ceiling either automatically or manually?  In the attached file, the bay window is on level 1.

Webster Hseplan-master existing condition.plan

I believe I have the same issue.  I want to have a lowered ceiling for my bay window (without lowering the roof over the bay window) and a raised floor for my bay window (like a seat that my two year old plays in and where we put our Christmas tree), without raising the outside wall around the bay window.  The bay window settings cause the roof to lower or the outside wall to mimic the raised floor.  I tried to create a divided room, where I could create a raised floor and a lowered ceiling, but when I try to create the line at the boundaries of the bay window, it makes the whole bay window disappear.  Thoughts?



Home Designer Professional 2022

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