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About scottharris

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    Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

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  1. There are two sample plans with sloped lots you might take a look at to see how they were done. Chief Architect Sample Plans: Grandview Lake Point They are Chief Architect plans; you may want to download the trial version to review them. Most of this can be done in Home Designer Pro.
  2. scottharris

    ICF Framing

    Home Designer Pro has an ICF wall type. You can also customize the wall's layers to your specific needs.
  3. floridauk, yes these objects can be ungrouped with the "explode architectural block" tool. I'm using Suite 2024.
  4. Serviteur, if you are after the other roof planes to match at 35 deg. You can use the join roof planes tool. It will need to be repeated on the opposite side. See if that works.
  5. Glad you got it!!
  6. Casey, can you repost your updated plan. I suspect that perhaps you did not make a copy of the material and it's changing in places you don't want.
  7. Looks like you are on the right track – making copies of the materials and changing the angle. One additional step, is to adjust the offset of the material – I measured -2 3/8” and that worked (be sure to make a copy of the material so your other wall does not change). See the attached screen grabs.
  8. It could be your video card / driver. I would encourage you to check for driver updates, verify your system meets the specs and/or reach out to tech support
  9. The shelf ceiling option was added sometime after Home Designer 2016. Here’s the screen cap from the 2024 version.
  10. scottharris

    3D Viewer

    The Chief Architect 3D Viewer is 'view' only. If you want, download the free apple or android app and try it out to see how it works.
  11. Hi Fred, you will find Trusses in Home Designer Pro under the framing tool. Be sure to set your floor structure thickness to get your desired depth.
  12. Hi Jodie, the cabinet manufactures are available only in Chief Architect Premier (available monthly for $199). For RevaShelf, we have be asking for them to help us get an update – apparently they need to hear from more customers to help push them forward.
  13. Bo, can you post the plan and an image?
  14. With Suite & Architectural you can print most items a building dept. may require - but, you would need to see what they need. Pro has a construction document tool called Layouts that make the process easier. That product can be rented for $59/mo. Link product compare matrix. Give our sale dept. a call so we can help further.