Dual Gable Covered Porch Help


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Hello All, is there a best practice to create a dual gable- covered porch? I have attached both a screenshot of my model an inspiration for what I am trying to achieve. So far I have tried creating a "room" on the porch and enabling a roof over said room but it does not seem to produce what I am looking for. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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7 hours ago, zmontgoh said:

I have home designer Pro 2025


Always add that info when asking a question.


Attaching your plan file -- 14MB size limit and the plan cannot be open in Pro when you upload. Zip the file if needed will help others troubleshoot.


It's helpful, especially with such a dark model, to switch to Technical Illustration view, and turn off Patterns (3D Menu, Toggle patterns) when taking a screen capture, except of course if your question needs a different rendering technique to show the problem.


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