Elevation showing fence post foundation?


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Pretty novice Home Designer Pro user here, but having a blast learning about it and doing designs for a major home remodel I have going on.  Can't help but feel like I'm missing something obvious.  I've tried the help, many searches in forums and documentation, but I'm just coming up empty.  


I'm trying to model a fence along with an elevation on a layout that I could print and include with the designs we're submitting to my town.  I've got the fence without any problems (thanks to various posts on the forums -- Thank you all!) but I'm struggling with trying to get an elevation that would show concrete base that the fence posts would stand in.  I've been able to get kind of close using CAD elements on the elevation view, but I feel like that's perhaps not the right approach.  


What I'm hoping to end up with is something like the attached picture.  Is there a way to do that with Home Designer Pro? 


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1 hour ago, SoloRider said:

I've been able to get kind of close using CAD elements on the elevation view, but I feel like that's perhaps not the right approach.  


What I'm hoping to end up with is something like the attached picture.


What is "kind of close"? Why do you feel what you are doing is not the right approach?


What's the problem?

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The main thing that makes me feel like this isn't the "right" solution is that if I end up moving the fence (because I may have to move it back away from the property line) I had assumed all the CAD objects then have to manually be redone, is that correct?  What I had been thinking was that I'd be able to somehow define a concrete base as part of the post itself so that if I move the fence then it all goes along as a unit.  Does that make sense?  

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23 hours ago, Rookie65 said:

Did you try doing it as a "Post with footing" from the framing drop down box?

I had not, but that's the type of thing I was looking for!  Thank you for this, I think I'm set now!

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23 hours ago, solver said:

Open a new plan. Draw a few feet of fence there. Create a section and add your text and other CAD. 

Send that to Layout.

The problem I see with this is that's completely separated from my main overall site design.  Sure, it gets the job done, but it creates two sources of truth, and I wouldn't be able to do, for example, a single layout that included a 3D view of the driveway (where this fence will be) alongside the elevation showing the footing detail.  @Rookie65's suggestion gives me that flexibility.  


Thanks to both of you for taking the time to respond to my question, really appreciate the helpful folks here for newbies like me.  

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43 minutes ago, SoloRider said:

wouldn't be able to do, for example, a single layout that included a 3D view of the driveway (where this fence will be) alongside the elevation showing the footing detail.


You may send views from multiple plans to a single Layout.

People that create construction documents as part of their job will have a library of common details they add as required. 

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Ah, that makes a ton of sense.  I've often wondered what the value of having a plan document be separate from the layout was, since all the videos and documentation I've seen so far in the support materials always only creates a single layout, naming it the same as the plan document.  The whole "Send to Layout" approach seemed kind of off, but given this perspective it makes a lot more sense.  Thanks for sharing that observation!

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