Home Designer Pro: Set as Default Equivalent in Chief Architect Premier


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The problem I am trying to solve: 
I have created a custom set of steps and railings. I know what this to be the default for the plan and/or save the steps for future plans. I want to also use this so I can try out different versions of the steps in the dollhouse view to see which one I like best. 
How can I save custom stairs with materials etc. without having to recreate them or having to go to defaults and modify it there? 
I was sent the following article however this appears to be Chief Architect Premier specific as well: https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-03015/adding-and-copying-objects-to-the-user-catalog.html. The first section of the article shares how to save objects in the plan to my User Catalog. This could help with adding quite a few types of items for future use to my User Catalog, but my concern here is saving steps in particular. If those steps are created using stairs, it appears that it is not yet possible to save stairs to the user library. The only way to use stairs I have created in another area of the plan is to copy and paste them in another area.
Does anyone have any cleaver work arounds or point to something I may have missed? This seems like a pretty obvious pro user scenario IMHO.
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7 hours ago, Rookie65 said:

Save the plan you like as a master.  Then copy that plan and "save as" whatever you'd like to name it. Do that for as many variations as you want and your original stays unchanged 


Just to clarify, when you say "save the plan you like as a master", are you saying create all the default settings you want for that stair type (or any object) and then save it as an empty plan. From there, use that plan "type" with the default objects (materials etc.) setup in that specific plan. In a way the blank plan becomes a template for future use? 

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Why not this?

Architectural Blocks

An architectural block is a collection of individual 3D objects that are grouped together so that they can be placed and moved as a single object. Although blocked together, these objects retain many of their own attributes, such as materials..
See page 91 User Reference Manual.
This is how I do it.



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