Terrain Perimeter Greyed Out


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I build a terrain and then deleted it.  Now, the terrain perimeter button is greyed out and I followed the troubleshooting article Troubleshooting Why the Terrain Tools are Greyed Out (homedesignersoftware.com), with the issue still. I also checked my Display Options and terrain perimeter is selected. I have attached my plan file if anyone would like to look into it.


This started when I tried to delete the terrain. I went into the 3D view and selected the terrrain, then delete.

Patio.planFetching info...

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Thank you very much for the quick response, Eric. I am back in business.  Displaying the DEED layer and deleting it fixed it.  I imported a DWG and selected Convert To terrain perimeter for the DEED layer. I think that's when things went wrong.


Thanks again and I really appreciate the fix!



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