Can Home Designer Pro "digitize" PDF floorplan drawing?


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I am using the trial of Home Designer Pro (HDP) and will probably purchase it soon as it seems to have all the features I need and then some. I am interested in a couple of homes that will be built in a new community by an independent developer. He is much more flexible on making modifications than the big spec house developers. He sent me PDF plans of the houses in which I am interested in and I did a walk-through of one that is framed and roofed. We discussed various modifications and he said to just jot down my requested modifications on a printout of the plan, give it to him and he could have his architect incorporate the modifications and he can let me know how these will affect the price.


The problem is that it is difficult to know how certain modifications will work unless I can see them in 3D and of course Home Designer Pro would be ideal for that. I asked him if I could get a file electronically and do this in HDP. He said it would be much easier to do it his way. I plan to manually transcribe the PDF drawing into HDP but before I do that I wanted to ask if it is possible to import a PDF or open a PDF with HDP and HDP could "read" the drawing. So far when I imported a .jpg file it is just an object in HDP.


Also, if I could get the drawing file from him or his architect, what types of drawing files can HDP open? I am pretty sure his architect is just a local builder's plan service as that person's web address is on the information box at the bottom of each sheet.




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HDP can import a PDF but it is really just an image you can trace over if needed , it may work better than a Jpg as the PDF is hopefully a scaled drawing.


HDP can import .DXF files from AutoCAD but most Architect's won't give out those files as each Plan is copyrighted . 



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