Change color of electrical symbols on plan individually


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I am doing an electrical plan for a renovation project.  I want to delineate new duplex outlets from existing outlets. I wanted to do it with color on the plan. I thought I could use the eyedropper but it is not enabled in the electrical plan.

Can this be accomplished by another method?


Is this the way such a thing is done?

If not, how do others do this besides having notes everywhere.



HDPro 2021

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I am not sure there is a way to make the existing plan symbols a different color with HDPro.


You can make a duplex symbol using cad off to the side, label it and change the color to your liking, and copy/paste it where needed.


You will have to use a dotted cad arc to show a connection from a new duplex to an existing duplex socket, maybe in the same color as your cad symbol.


Hope this helps.



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In any Home Designer software title, you can change the color and line style of any layer or group of objects using the "Display Options" dialog where you then change the color to whatever you wish BUT that actions changes ALL objects of the layer. If you want to have different colors for electric objects you must make your own as DIG5050 as suggested above.



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