Plot plan setback lines


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Setback requirements for my property are 20’ front and back and 5’ on either side. Following instructions, I was able to do the concentric setback equal all around but I am not able to figure out how to do different setbacks on sides. I tried to break line  and manually shift the side lines to create 5’ setback on either side . Then I stretched the lines  to join them back but  the result is not very accurate. 

I am a new user and using home designer-pro. I would appreciate any help. Thanks. 

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Temporarily turn off object snaps and angle snaps and then click on the arc you wish to dimension and then left-click on the dimension that is connected to the arc. When the move object by dimension input box appears input 20' and then you should be done locating that arch edge. Trying to drag an object with precision is nearly impossible, so the way to proceed is to use dimensions for such a task.



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Thank you David for your reply. I tried by turning off the snaps and after selecting the dimension with mouse click (arc line), filled 20' in the box. Same issue remains for the arc   5bbd5dfc26b8f_ScreenShot2018-10-09at6_32_03PM.thumb.png.42a037ec79eafa297bc84e487d9b7eaf.png


Then I filled the 20' setback under preferences> edit behavior> concentric > jump, thinking that I would not have to change anything on the arc and will rather change the straight edges on the sides by filling out the dimension boxes. This time too as the change occurred on sides the setback got distorted at the arc



When I first chose concentric>jump for 20', it comes out fine all sides including the arc. It is when I change the dimensions (by filling the box) either on the arc or any sides, that the arc setback gets distorted. 

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2 hours ago, DavidJPotter said:

You can agree or disagree with me on this subject. I do hope this helps you.




Thank you so much for your help. I was able to get it right by breaking the side line and then moving it as you showed. Also, holding the command key (Mac) worked well for stretching the arc so that was a great tip I got from watching you do it. I really appreciate you going extra length to make this video. It was really helpful and I was able to get it right. I agree with you we should not expect the software to do perfect job for site plan but I was getting a completely distorted arc without these couple of simple yet great tips you showed.

Thanks again. 

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