Roof AND wall issues


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In the attached, all I am trying to achieve is a gable type roof on the angled section and on the straight part. The roof eaves should extend out to the furthest points of the north and south sides of the house. They should NOT follow the zigs and zags of the walls. As you can see I was unable to accomplish that. I tried drawing manual roof planes but it too failed. And now as you can see the wall where the angled part joins the straight part is not a full wall when viewed in a perspective view.


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Don't understand what you want to do. You have not indicated North, South etc on the plan. 


Try marking up the plan showing the outline of the roof you want, or showing us a picture etc.


Have you tried using a Roof Baseline Polyline? Not sure if it would help since I don't understand the problem.

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I was taught in school that the bottom of the page is always south UNLESS otherwise specified, so I assumed that most other people were taught the same.


So. The bottom of the page is south. Top is north. As you can see from the floorplan there are many walls that jut out and others that are indented (corners, main entrance). If I start over and draw the entire outline from scratch (which I originally did), the roof planes all build automatically but they follow the shape of the outline. Even after I mark the walls that are supposed to be full gable walls. I do not want the roof to look like that. I want a full gable on the east wall, a full gable on the southwest wall (of angled room) and full gable on the west wall of straight part of building.

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That is fairly accurate Eric. As seen in the plan view of your drawing, and North being up, the roof at the top is good, but the roof at the bottom should look the same instead of having the dormer style roof over the south wall that juts out.

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Quick way to do this...

Extend each north/south outer-most wall so that the house forms a rectangle, then allow the roof to rebuild.
Open each new 'room' and put a check mark in 'use soffit surface for ceiling'.
Turn off auto build roof and retract the extended walls back to their original position.

You will need to manually manipulate the existing roof planes on the west end of the house, to get the gable to look correct  (note the dashed roof plane lines on the floor plan pic).


roof planes 1.JPG

roof planes 2.JPG

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