Terrain Contours Random Generation


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Home Designer Pro 2018

I've read all that I can find on the topic of contour generation but nothing has helped with my problem.

I entered specific elevation points (lots of them covering the full 4000m2 of the block. 


When I hit Build Terrain it does not follow the specific points I have entered. It creates some super weird random little hills and other anomalies.

So I converted the elevation points to elevation lines. The contours generated follow a little closer but

still make up stuff that is not even in keeping with likely flow of the land. It's as if the algorithm has a major bug in it.


Is there a way to switch off the terrain generator thinking too much? My contours are at 1m intervals and I just want it to follow exactly 

what I have entered besides smoothing out the lines. I have switched off the secondary contours.


Any help greatly appreciated.


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I have NEVER successfully used "Points" to generate 3D terrain, They are too difficult to edit (one wrong point value ruins the whole terrain object and they are HARD to find often times anyway) after being placed and do not generate useful terrain. I never use them anymore. What I do is to import and then scale a terrain map with graphic contour lines and then trace over those graphic contours with elevation splines and input the contour values per spline (get the data from the graphic document until I have the major ones. It is unnecessary to draw every contour shown in a terrain document, surveyors use dedicated, VERY expensive GPS software to produce such maps and the data that software they use would overwhelm most average PC's like yours or mine, keep it simple and when changing terrain objects, it wise to check with camera views the veracity of such changes as you make them (DO NOT PLACE LOTS OF POINTS OR OTHER TERRAIN OBJECTS FIRST AND ONLY THEN CHECK THE RESULTS). Once the terrain is created and edited only then do you set the terrain plane TO the house or structure 3D model again using elevation camera views. You vary the value in the "Building Pad" input, unchecking using the automatically set value the software sets (the software rarely gets that value right). 




PS: Terrain Points effect terrain changes concentrically and do not, cannot emulate actual terrain. I use lines, mainly splines and also terrain regions and occasionally a terrain break object

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HI David,

Thanks fro your reply. Have changed from points to lines. It still generates, for example, random little hills that should not be there.

I've attached a screenshot. You can see where the green generated contours deviate from the elevation lines I have drawn and then in the middle insert all this totally random stuff.


Screenshot 2017-08-23 12.11.00.png

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Did you make a single change and then inspect that change before making more changes? Since I do not know exactly what you are trying to do in detail, I cannot further comment. Other than to suggest you share your terrain plan (.plan file) along with a copy of your terrain map. Without that data, no one can do anything but guess.



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