The layer mystery.


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The layers in HDP are a mystery to me. I found a statement in some post that explained that imported symbols are all put on the 'Fixtures, Interior' layer. That explained why the desk that I imported from the 3D warehouse remained visible after I turned off the 'Furniture, Interior' layer. But when I turned off the 'Fixtures, Interior' layer, the toilets, sinks and showers also vanished! How handy is that? I also observed that lamps remain visible. What the heck layer that those on? Apparently HDP users cannot do anything about which of the default layers imported symbols land on. So why not, at least, isolate them to a user layer (maybe 2 or 3) so that the layers can be useful. Is there even a way to see which layer a symbol is on? If not, they could at least document which layers library symbol are suppose to be on. Maybe something better could be added to for HDP 2018.


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I rather doubt it. Such features as custom layers, layer control etc exist in Chief Premier already and for many years. If you really require the best, most full featured Architectural software then Premier is what you should acquire. I am not being mean spirited, it is merely a fact.



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Thanks for the comments. With the realization that the layer information is displayed at the bottom, when an object is selected, has helped explain some odd behaviors. For example, I like to place furniture in a house plan to get a feel for space usage but turn them off when printing the plan but I can see now that lamps are not furniture but on the same layer as electrical outlets, switches, ceiling fan (things that a part on the plan design rather than furnishings).  I also noticed that soffits appear to be on the 'soffit' layer but there is no such layer.

I will not be paying another $2K for CA Premier to get layer management.  So I will have to live within the limitations of HDP. It would be nice if they at least put imported symbols on a layer not tied to anything already in the library. And maybe separate things related to the plan from things related to furnishings in the HD libraries.

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I favor in Pro setting up my plan views one at a time. One layer set up for structural plan view. Then send to layout and print to PDF.

Then arranging my layers on and off for an Electric plan view per floor, sending to layout and then printing a layout for each floor with that set of layers on or off as is appropriate and then print to PDF.

When you use just one .plan file you only have one plan to edit if your client wants to make changes. Otherwise if you go the multiple plan route as Elovia suggests then you have multiple plan files to edit so they all agree with the new edits.



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Thank you both for your suggestions. I'm a retired electrical engineer working on plans for a new home to solve the 'Peter Pan Dilemma' for us. No worry about clients. After 4 years, we finally have a plan we like (21st version). I am getting files and prints ready to turn over to Pros to make construction drawings. Hope to find a builder team with architect, engineer and construction crew that can start from my plans.

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You can place an object on a layer that you do not use and then use the eye dropper I believe and select another object and it will put it on that unused layer. I have had success with this method. I am not in front of my copy of the software but it works fairly well for me.

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