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Elovia's post in Options for base kitchen cabinets was marked as the answer
Since you have Pro ... Yes. See the "Front" tab in the base cabinet specification dialog.
Elovia's post in Dimension to center of circle was marked as the answer
Something to check, Frank ... do you have a center snap setting in Suite? And if so, is it turned on?
Elovia's post in delete joint/corner was marked as the answer
The original poster is referencing the Break Line tool in the object tool bar by its description. If you hover over the tool, the descriptor text reads, "Form join/corner in selected line. Double click for complete break."
To eliminate erroneously placed breaks in lines, simply drag and snap the extra point to one of the adjacent points that you want to keep.
Elovia's post in Where are the toilets and stuff? Also... materials was marked as the answer
Hi 4ndrew,
Take a look in the library under the following headings:
Home Designer Core Catalogs -> Architectural -> Fixtures.
Therein should be several sub-folders for bathtubs, showers, sinks, and toilets. You may create a vanity from a base cabinet, and simply place a sink in it.
Hope this helps.
Elovia's post in How do I measure the total height of my home? was marked as the answer
Hi Shelby,
Welcome to the forum.
This task may be accomplished a number of ways depending on which Home Designer software title you have. If you have Home Designer Pro, you can select your highest elevation roof plane, open its specification dialog and note the ridge height. In most of the other Home Designer titles, you can use a back-clipped elevation camera to view through your highest point, and then use the measurement tool to measure the height.
If neither of these options are available to you, please let us know which Home Designer software title you have, so more specific help may be suggested.
Good luck.
Elovia's post in Cannot change flooring was marked as the answer
Unfortunately, the plan doesn't seem to be attached. However, take a look at the room specification dialog and ensure that your flooring has a specified thickness. If your floor has a thickness of zero inches, then this may be your problem.
Hope this helps.
Elovia's post in Custom Layer was marked as the answer
Another choice would be that you may assign custom labels to the HV or LV components.
Good luck.
Elovia's post in Exterior wall - stone up to window bottom - siding above was marked as the answer
Even though I use Pro, I use a technique that is certainly achievable in Suite. I place a stone textured soffit of an appropriate thickness on the outside surface of my walls. I also cap them with another soffit. See below for an example past project of mine.
Mentioned in the original post was that the stone only came up to the bottom of the windows, and the above technique can do that fairly quickly. If, on the other hand, you need the stone texture partially above the bottom of your windows similar to Eric's example, this can also be done but with extra effort. See the siding below the windows on the front porch in the example below, where I added multiple soffits of varying heights to wrap around the bottom of the windows.
Elovia's post in How to break a polyline was marked as the answer
Unfortunately, the CAD tools in HDPro do not work the same as those you may be familiar with in AutoDesk or ACAD derivative products. As you've discovered, using the Break Line tool simply adds a vertex to the line, arc, or other CAD item.
I don't know enough of what you're trying to do to suggest an efficient workaround (an image would help). If, for example, you're trying to break up a zig-zag pattern into two or more smaller patterns, then some version of "copy in place" and editing each copy might be useful. Alternatively, placing one or more crossing CAD lines and creating new vertices, then deleting the unwanted segments as described below may be useful.
That said, I've had success placing a CAD line that crosses at the desired point of break, and then manually shortening the segment from the nearest vertex to snap at the crossing point.
If you've created a polyline (multiple linear segments), you can turn on the Edit Object Parts option to select and delete unwanted segments. Be sure to turn off the Edit Object Parts option afterward to return to default software behavior.
Hope this helps.
Elovia's post in Different pitch on two areas of same rectangular building was marked as the answer
Hi Terry. Welcome to the forum.
You've stumbled on an idiosyncracy of the Home Designer software's programming. For reasons only the programmers know, the automatic roof building tools do not build what would otherwise result in overlapping rake walls, as would be the case in a 3/12 pitch addition sharing a common wall against a 12/12 pitch main, especially if both sections have the same baseline height (this last bit is the key, I think, but isn't the only variable).
A workaround, depending on what you need to show, is to build a second floor above the 12/12 pitch portion and set the ceiling height to zero in the upper floor's room dialog box. The fascia heights will be slightly off from one another between sections, but that is due mostly to the different roof pitches. This can be fixed in Pro with Pro's more advanced roof tools than are available in Suite. By building the second floor, your model will have addtional floor framing, and this may be undesirable ... again, depending on what you need to show.
If additional floor framing is a problem, then don't build the second floor and instead raise the height of the main section a couple feet (play with the height value to see where it tips back to common pitch), and then manually add an attic wall on the attic level where the rake wall should be. It's good to have choices.
Good luck.