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About KirkClemons

  • Birthday 01/01/1950

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  1. We are seeing this a lot when people have their templates stored in the OneDrive folder. There has been a new update that turns on OneDrive's "Files on demand" feature by default. This means that the files appear on your computer, but they are actually in the cloud (denoted by a cloud symbol in file explorer). I recommend either moving the Home Designer Pro 2018 Data folder to the standard location of "C:\Users\trueb\Documents", or disabling the "Files on demand" feature in OneDrive's settings.
  2. This article draws a fireplace just like this: It may help.
  3. DPI is only important when printing. But, you will never see a difference when viewing the image on a screen because the screen will only show you what it is physically capable of showing. So the image's pixel dimensions are what is important for viewing on a screen. So, to solve your problems we need to figure out why the program is not accepting any values above a certain amount. I'll do a little research to see if there is a way for me to reproduce this behavior.
  4. Well, the sharpness/blurriness is tied to the image resolution. So, it's curious that you are unable to export to the size you want. I've never seen it restrict image sizes before.
  5. Are you checking or unchecking any of the boxes in the dialog? That can try to do some auto-corrections and mess it up. What aren't you happy with, in the scene, specifically?
  6. I'm not able to reproduce this behavior. Just type in 8192 in the width field and press the Tab key to let it update the height. Then click OK.
  7. The first change I would recommend is bumping the image size from 4K to 8K. Meaning, your current export was exported at 4096x2048 pixels. Bump this up to 8192x4096 pixels and see how that looks to you. Otherwise, it looks fine, I'm not seeing any obvious issues.
  8. PDF's are generally printed at a specific scale, as you indicated, the document you have is at 3/16" scale. When you are drawing in Floor Plan view, you are actually drawing at a 1:1 (1" = 1") scale as David pointed out. So, to make the imported document work for tracing over it, you need to scale it up from 3/16" scale to 1:1 scale. Take a look at the Knowledgebase article that David linked to. It contains the steps for scaling an imported image/PDF file up to 1:1 scale so that you can trace it more accurately. It's never going to be a perfect scale, but it should be close enough for you to get the drawing put together and then fine tune it.
  9. I would recommend attaching a copy of your plan with your latest attempts at drawing the retaining walls and terrain data. With Terrain issues/questions, it's generally an exercise in simplifying the terrain data so that it is as accurate as possible while not being so complex that it looks bad.
  10. View> Temporary Dimensions should toggle them on or off.
  11. It looks like all of your textures and images may be missing, not just the items. Try 3D> Camera View Options and make sure that Textures are enabled.
  12. I think it's because you are looking at Sherwin Williams and Behr product lines. These are not generic yellows, they are custom shades pulled from each manufacturers catalog. Compare those to the Yellows found in the Home Designer Core Catalog and you'll see the difference.
  13. More specifically, this article should help:
  14. I would recommend using the Reference Floor Display to see an outline of the floor above/below the one you are working on. Then you can use the dimension tools to set the exact offset that you want. Example attached. These help resources specifically talk about using the reference floor display: This is a bit easier to do in Chief Architect Premier because you can dimension to the reference floor display without needing to draw reference lines.