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Everything posted by SAILOR139

  1. Thanks, I thought about that; but, I was hoping for a common wall: however, your suggestion provides a very satisfactory solution.
  2. How do I finish basement walls in Suite. I added a standard 2x4 frame wall to the interior of the adjacent 8" concrete stem wall; however, doors and windows only penetrates one of the walls and not both. I could increase the stem wall to 12" and change the interior material to drywall, but this does not give an accurate plan drawing of the wall. Any suggestions?
  3. Solution for those nasty gaps that dormers leave in the wall where they intersect the main roof plane. This information was provided to me by CA Tech Support. Under Home Designer Core Catalog a folder resides named "Shapes"; under this folder another folder exist named "Wedges". Pick the "Wedge (inverted)" item and insert into your plan near the dormer gap. Using the plan view and the Full Camera image resize the wedge and locate it in the gap; adjust size and location until it blends into the existing walls and ceiling. See attachments Maybe someone who is proficient in CA can generate an YouTube video for this procedure. Again, thanks to Tech Support for this solution. Also, they are aware of this bug and are working to fix it.
  4. I somehow pasted the jepg file into my user catalog, Big Mistake! I,m not sure I can repeat it. I have since open the Define Material box under User Catalog; used this technique; and, it works great. I checked the Texture box and selected the jpg file; check stretch box. Created a soffit the size of picture I wanted and in the same proportion of the picture. I still puzzled why it was plastered all over my interior walls including the interior side of the exterior walls. I assume I somehow assigned this to the drywall material? See attachment
  5. I attempted to create a painting for an interior wall. I pasted a jpg file to a soffit. It appeared on all interior walls in the plan. The only solution I could find was to open each wall spec box and specify drywall to remove the repetitious painting from all the walls. I tried setting the defaults. This did not work. My solution is not very practical. Was there another solution? Why did this happen? And, can jpeg files be used in CA?
  6. I'm still lost, how do I generate the roof rafters. I cannot find that icon. I think I understand the remainder part of your presentation.
  7. I was informed one could show open roof rafters in CA Pro. I down loaded Pro, free trial version, still don't know how to do this; cannot find a tutorial which explains how to leave drywall or sheeting off of ceiling to expose rafters. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Problem Solved I created the truss three different ways: 1) AutoCad 2D line drawing which was imported into Sketchup, expanded to a 3D SketchUp model and saved; 2) AutoCad 2D polyline drawing which was imported and also expanded to a SketchUp 3D model; 3) created the 3D model in SketchUp and saved. All three models were imported into CA with same distorted surface (faces) results but with somewhat varying distortions. After many of hours of frustration I stumbled on .3ds format which is a native 3D model file used by AutoCad Studio for rendering. This is one of several 3D model files which SketchUp can export to. I exported all three above SketchUp files using .3ds. All three imported perfectly in CA. See attachment Apparently, CA does not handle the SketchUp format, .skp, as well as it does .3ds; or, the SketchUp model is not as robust as the .3ds file. If anyone creates a SketchUp model for CA I suggest that you export the SketchUp model using .3ds and not SketchUp native format .skp. I hope this is of some value to others. I understand all of the above may have already been repeated and I just missed it.
  9. David, I recreated the file in polylines all in 0.0000 "z" axis. Similar problem when imported into CA. I have contacted tech support for their opinion. Also, I imported truss from 3D Warehouse with same results.
  10. Thanks David. I have redone this file several times with different results. As stated above the file is perfect. In various print options it portrays correctly; ie .jpeg and other formats. It becomes corrupted when it is imported into CA. I have assume this since it appears perfectly in all other formats. This is a simple 2D drawing stretched to 1.75" thickness. Not much can go wrong there. If you are correct then SketchUp is useless for anything but a moulding profile; and, you certainly may be correct. Keep up the replies, I always appreciate your comments. I will try a different approach and see if it will work.
  11. I am importing a truss I created in SketchUp to CA. It comes in with extraneous surfaces. I have redone the SketchUp truss several times; same conclusion with different extraneous surfaces. When highlighting the file to import the thumbnail photo of the truss is perfect, but after inserting into CA extra or missing surfaces appear. Has anyone had this problem and aware of a fix. Frustrated
  12. Same as above except window version; window is a Marvin which does not leave gaps or false materials as the CA windows do. Again, the casing is 2-1/4"
  13. To follow up on this thread. I have modified a sketchup model for a standard 30" CA door. This model represents a standard 2-1/4 door/window casing which includes the top and both sides of the door. I created a folder for it and will create a model for each major door size. The room base moulding is one of several that are available in 3D Warehouse. Of course, it takes additional time to add these to one's desgin; but, they are much more professional than the square casing CA uses. It is relative fast to copy and paste these casings and center them using the centering tool. The same technique can be used for windows. The moulding which CA uses does not stop at the door casing; it extends to the door jam; hence, it melts with the door casing and creates a disfigured joint. Attach image of my door casing and base moulding. Kevin E4- Stock 2.25 door casing and custom baseboard.pdf
  14. Tech Support stated this feature is not available at this time.
  15. If you check the image you will see that I have correctly inserted the 2.25 casing on the window. I apprarently understood enough of SketchUp to make this happen. What you said above I understand. I tried several different casing versions in various orientations created in SketchUp and inserted them in CH to see how they would react; hence, the decision to create 4 different orientations to case the window. Again, I think this is a losing proposition since the casings are not an integral part of the window. If CH can do what you say they can in PRO concerning the axis why wouldn't they do the same for their other packages. I have 40+ years of CAD experience on very high end system; I don't believe a package like SketchUp will be much of a problem if studied. I just find the horrible amount of bugs in CH unacceptable and frustrating. Maybe, I expected too much after working on CAD system that were virtually bug free. However, CH Suite does a beautful job of rendering for such a low end package and I would recommend it as long as the person understood its limitations. There must be a way to insert .skp files into the core catalog folder. Again, I'll keep searching. Might be a torrent that will do this?
  16. This is exactly what I did! I was discussing about bringing it into Chief Architect. Please reread what I said. If there is away to rotate it in CH one would only need one copy of the casing. Also, can the Sketup data be frozen in certain x, y or z axis so the the moulding in CH could be reduced or expanded in two linear direction; otherwise you are stuck only in one direction.
  17. Creating casing in sketup and importing the files is not good use of time. Since I did not know how to use Sketchup it took approx 6 hours to modify this casing so I could use it on a window. It required four different imports, one for the top, sides and bottom. I experimented with several different options. Maybe someone with Sketchup experience could have done this differently and simplified it. It appears it comes in with rotation only on the Z asiz, not good; if it came in on the X or Y axis only one import would be required. Chief Architect needs to simplify the changing of casing/moulding on windows and doors. Kevin E3-Full 2.25 casing.pdf
  18. I understand how to paste the moulding into the room as base board or chair rail; I have experimented with this technique. However, the casing comes in horizontal and does not rotate to the other three quadrants; also will the corners be mitered. Can you help on this?
  19. Thanks Begin to think Chief Architect invented the bait and switch sales pitch. I'll keep working on it, maybe I'll find a work around. I'll post if I do.
  20. Let's be realistic. Premier is a 2700 dollar program; surely you joke. Please address my questions with realistic answers. In regards to your answer about bringing the symbols in; yes, you can. I have and have used them in some instances including base mouldings.
  21. I downloaded a casing/moulding from 3D Warehouse to use for baseboard and window casing. The software import inserted it into the User Catalog. When I tried to access it from the Room Spec box the software would not give me access to this Library location nor does it appear that you can revised the casing on the window. I tried to copy and paste the new symbol to the Moulding catalog but the software prevented it. Any suggestions to resolve the above related issues? Attached image of casing. FYI: great number of casings and mouldings on 3D Warehouse; need to know how to get access to them. ca-0002 casing Full Camera Image.pdf