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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. To answer your question with certainty I would have to know what version and title you have. In Pro or Chief Premier you turn off the stair's railings and then draw a railing wall on the outside of the stairs using a rail wall of the type you desire marked "Follow Stairs" but this method will probably not work in Essentials, Suite, Interiors or Archtectural. DJP
  2. I agree with LawB10, you have not given us enough information to help you (roof pitch angles, ceiling heights). Many are willing to help but guessing is a waste of time, help us help you. DJP
  3. What software version and title are you using? DJP
  4. Call Chief Architect Sales to find out please. DJP
  5. If you are using a custom texture you MUST save it to a known location on your hard drive and then do not ever move or rename it, if you do the material will loose its connection to the texture file which is probably what happened. DJP
  6. It makes the difference between success and failure, only one method works, all other methods fail, so yeah, it matters a lot. What did you actually do? DJP
  7. You are in the right place, sorry you are having trouble, I suggest you contact Tech Support if this continues. DJP
  8. Your software, whatever it is comes with Help Files, Reference Manual and video tutorials, take a look and learn how to do what you want to do. DJP
  9. you can change the angle of any material by way of its dialog box using the "Adjust Material tool" (tri color icon) DJP
  10. Temporary dimesnsions can also be turned on and off via an Icon usually in the right hand toolbar. DJP
  11. The best method is to select a wall and then move it by a connected dimension or you can draw a manual dimension and the click on the wall you wish to move accurately and then click on the connected perpendicular dimension. when you click you get an input box where you can enter the desired value. DJP
  12. If you mean "in a camera view" they are precisely the right size for camera views. In terms of plan view they are a manageable size and that size cannot be changed by any Home Designer software title. Their plan view size is compatible with AIA, AIBD and other drafting standards so no change in size is contemplated to a non-standard size. DJP
  13. The most common mistake new users make is to just start using the software without first learning how to use the software. This inevitably leads to problems and wasted time. Learning how to sue the software is not a 'waste of time", rather it is essential (imagine trying to drive a car without any training!!!). DJP
  14. Each wall, roof plane and poly-line hole in the roof if required have dialog boxes and Materials Tabs for editing just like the rest of the objects in a plan file. Treat them accordingly. DJP
  15. Each wall, roof plane and poly-line hole in the roof if required have dialog boxes and Materials Tabs for editing just like the rest of the objects in a plan file. Treat them accordingly. DJP
  16. Each wall, roof plane and poly-line hole in the roof if required have dialog boxes and Materials Tabs for editing just like the rest of the objects in a plan file. Treat them accordingly. DJP
  17. Most everything the software does or does not do is controlled by settings and icons, firstly "Default Settings" and then other applicable settings in various object dialogs (every object in this software has a dialog which can enable you to edit its appearance and behavior). As Kat said, the more money you spend for software the more able and more choices you then have as a result. DJP
  18. You are welcome to ask for help. But this forum is for Home Designer Software not Chief Architect Premier software. Chief Users have their own dedicated forum called "Chief Talk". Please post your question there. I believe you need to describe your problem in greater detail for any real help to be tendered. DJP
  19. What version and title of the software you have will determine how or what to do, what do you have? DJP
  20. Have you looked in your Library Browser? Have you looked at the Home Designer Website? Have you searched at 3D warehouse? DJP
  21. See if this is help to you please: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTGLEMYStpA DJP
  22. Symmetric roofs come from symmetric dimensions always. DJP
  23. "Library Browser - Architecture - Fixtures" DJP
  24. Use the half-wall tool and then place a "doorway" where you require an opening. DJP