Why is there a hole in my terrain?


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Hoping someone can help here as I'm tearing my hair out. Per the image below, somehow I've developed a massive sinkhole in my terrain (see the big green bit hanging down). No matter how I adjust the elevation data around it, I can't get rid of it.


It is a split level design house. I have a flat area for the middle part of the house (right of pic below), a flat area for the lower part of the house (left of pic) and a retaining wall in between. And the terrain slopes down the side of the house. Somehow this has been interpretated by the app as "build a gateway to Hades"...


Thanks in advance for any help. 


I'm using Home Designer Pro 2025. I wanted to attach the .plan but it is too large (link to it that may work: https://app.box.com/s/rq66yv0xe7w82q3r8s0i67ym2oh3dkwy)! I've added another screen shot showing the two elevation regions with hatching (and with primary contours turned on in green).





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Hi! It seems the app got the height wrong. Try to move the control points near the sinkhole by hand. Can you also look for mistakes in the data you put in? Thanks a lot! :)

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must be some funky elevation data and how it calcs the terrain.


Maybe remove one contour line at a time until it goes away.

One of those lines is probably the cause.


Not like you need so many on outside


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