Low outside walls


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I'm dealing with a mobile home with a stick-built addition on a bit of a slope.  The addition has the bottom of the exterior wall 24" above the slab, with a small raised deck (3-steps) to the front door.  The height of this wall is 7'3", the door is 80" tall.  So after all is said and done I have about 7" from the top of the door to the soffit.  But, when I am drawing this, the door, the windows and the deck are all too low on the wall.


Do I change the overall height of the walls, change each door and window with my measurements coming off the top of the walls instead of above the slab? The window next to the door is tall and does sit closer to the floor than the other windows....just now as low as in the photo.

entry door too low.jpg

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My guess is that the slab is set at "0" for the floor height. If the deck is 24" above the slab, then the door should be raised about 24".  Once you have that right,  set the top of the window at the same height of the door. 

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I appreciate the input.


My slab is set at 0".  But I can't figure how to set the height of the deck.  I don't see anything on slab specification or Deck specifications to help.  Maybe, I am misunderstanding the measurements offered.  I changed Deck Post Footings 24" Above the Terrain, but that did not raise the deck any.


I've avoided anything that said ceiling - don't even want to go there!  The guy that built this addition could not measure!  He put in vaulted ceilings, but they are not consistent and on one wall he totally forgot to account for the drywall thickness, so I have one side of the ceiling off by 5/8" where it butts up to the mobile home ceiling.....So, if I change my ceiling height, to take care of the exterior, later on IF I need to deal with individual rooms, can I put in the correct ceiling measurements then and not cause an issue with my exterior?


I don't need to get too technical on the inside.  We are adding a raised deck, and possibly swapping windows and entry door on different walls so we get to actually see the mountains. 

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