Top Chord Bearing Floor truss - How to accomplish?


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I'm trying to draw  (In Home designer Pro) a top chord bearing floor truss across a foundation -  I have 'Hang 1st floor platform inside foundation walls' turned on, and this sets the top chord level with the top of plate. Do I have to move the truss up manually in 3D to do this, or is there a better way?  If that is the way, is there a way I can move them up exactly 3" outside of mouse dragging?


I'm assuming I'll also need to move the floor off 0" to 3" for the floors above, is that correct or is there another way to accomplish this?





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My overall goal is to get the floor deck as close to ground level as I can, ideally I'd like only 1 step onto the first floor from garage/ground level. 


I've looked at the video of building trusses with hangers onto a ledger board, but building costs are significantly higher doing that.

A top chord floor truss gets me within 4 1/2" of the top of the foundation, which with a -3" floor height in the garage will result in a single 7 1/2 step.


I've found a workaround in adding 3" to the sill plate thickness- This makes the overall floor deck and truss height sit at the correct levels, but the cross-section drawings of the sill area look odd.  It would be nice to be able to draw the trusses with the double 3 1/2" top chord hanging over the sill.

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The somewhat standard way is to set your truss on a ledge built in to the foundation wall.

Is there a reason you are not doing this?


How do you benefit from using a top chord truss?


As for my question above, trusses are designed by the truss builder, not the program. You will need to understand what truss dimensions/type will be used to build a representation.

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