Exterior door casings and siding material displayed in full camera but not in elevation camera view


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I know about display options and I have checked them extensively, multiple times. Walls are visible in both, but in full camera views all the detail is present but in elevation views the siding color is right but the texture is missing and the window and door casings are missing. I'm using Vector rendering; if I switch to Standard then the wall texture appears but the casings are still missing.


I fear I am missing something simple, but I have checked everything I can think of. Any help appreciated!


Home Designer Pro 2020

Windows 11

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36 minutes ago, OrSkier said:

I know about display options and I have checked them extensively, multiple times


Have you checked one last time?


37 minutes ago, OrSkier said:

in elevation views


While in your elevation view, open Display Options and check that Casings, Exterior is set to display.


Attach your plan file if you cannot figure it out.

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Thank you - I thought I had looked for Casings in the list, but it seems not. 


On the other matter, I have attached exports of the Vector and Standard rendering of my elevation to show how the texture is disappearing in the Vector view. I also attached the full camera view to show how the texture is present even with Vector rendering. I expect I'm missing something else simple.



Full Camera view.jpg

Standard Rendering.jpg

Vector Rendering.jpg

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45 minutes ago, OrSkier said:

to show how the texture is disappearing in the Vector view


Textures have never shown in Vector, only patterns.


28 minutes ago, OrSkier said:

I should say that the pattern (hatch for the vertical panel siding) is not showing, rather than texture.


3D menu. See if Toggle Patterns is checked.

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Found a forum thread that I thought was related, which said to go to Camera View Options/Toggle Textures, which is greyed out - obviously because textures don't show in Vector.


Your tip led me to the Toggle Patterns option under 3D - which did the trick.


Again, thank you for your patient support of occasional users like me!

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